Friday 8 August 2014

I have something to boast about by Joan Reilly

I have been thinking about my weaknesses. These are the things about myself I'd rather you did not see; the things that make me vulnerable in the eyes of my friends and family. I want to look secure, capable, accomplished, self assured and even strong. My weakness brings me shame and insecurity and makes me want to pull the covers over my head. But what I have found is that the very weakness that makes me want to hide is the exact thing my friends and family can identify with. My weakness is the thing that has now finally made me open and laid bare before God and man. My weakness is the thing God uses to bring me closer to my loved ones because even if they can't yet bear their own, they know they are not alone in theirs. What's more, and this is the kicker, as uncomfortable as it feels, I believe hiding our weaknesses behind the mask of self-assurance is depriving our fellow man of that very gift of God. It is another way of hanging onto our own lives. It is another example of self-preservation and it is something Jesus did not nor does not do in us.
What a wonderful gift of God to have loved ones who love me not in spite of my weaknesses but because of them. I have that! I wish that for everyone!
I now know what Paul meant when he said "if I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness". 2 Cor 11:30
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Rich Novek, Cindi Estep and 2 others like this.
Rich Novek Hallelujah and Amen, this is where we can see it really is for FREEDOM we were made FREE, isn't it? I mean if we aren't hiding our weaknesses anymore, then how can we not know true FREEDOM?
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Joan Reilly I hadn't thought of that, but it's so true. Free indeed!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Rich Novek It may not look like REAL freedom or feel like REAL freedom, but living by the Faith of Christ assures us that we NOW have EVERYTHING we need today including REAL FREEDOM! But we don't have it by a human limited form of faith, but the only REAL Faith that exists today, that being His own living and active Faith...IN and through and as us for others.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Joan Reilly AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chris comments : isn't it just great to come home to your friends writing cool stuff like this on Facebook????#!!!!

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