Wednesday 6 August 2014

What Other Muslims are saying about ISIS

Islamic Sunni Leader totally Condemns ISIS

Canon Andrew White (Vicar of Baghdad) wrote yesterday on Facebook:
I have spent much of the day with one Iraq's most senior Sunni Imams Sheik Khalid Al Mullah he has openly and clearly spoken out against the evil events, massacres and slaughters committed by ISIS. He not only stated they were totally demonic he said they were totally against everything Islam stands for. He stated that Christianity was the very root of Iraqi society, therefore Christians are at the heart of Iraqi society. We went to see the US Ambassador together and the Sheik was able to share these points with him.
For more on the situation and to get a sense of the nature and similarity of ISIS to all organisations formed by the Elite Cabal who were behind everything from the French Revolution onwards....takeover/atrocity/terror/Christian or Jewish annihilation....think....communism Russian Chinese North Korean....Or Cambodia's Pol Pot.....all trained and instigated by bankers and Tavistock training and mind control.

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