Thursday 25 September 2014

Luvvies speak out on Facebook

I share many mutual friends on Facebook.I don't think I believe quite the same things. Trying to chase them down rabbitholes doesn't help me much...nor it seems them. The Body of Christ is not in the unity of the faith yet, so until that time we maintain the Unity of the Spirit.
One of the most popular of my blogposts is Too Much Process  in which Derek Pronce at 80 discovers that His Heavenly Dad really does love him....and discovering that changes so many things....things that were a fulltime battle...just simply fall away.
You can't ignore all these people....though Stephanie Macentire has defriended me.....the amazing thing is, loads of the rest haven't. They ARE in love with God and each other. Whatever I believe, certainly at this stage in the proceedings, has little or no effect...which is humbling....and here they even if you tried to discount them....wouldn't make a scrap of difference....these are luvvies and below the name list is some open and laid bare sharing from last night on Facebook.

Fay Gillbanks Lagerwall
225 mutual friends
Cynthia Linox
350 mutual friends
Tabitha Hope
34 mutual friends
Kevin Hinkle
520 mutual friends
Hal Williamson
498 mutual friends
Christo Amsterdam
313 mutual friends
Brandon Lee
33 mutual friends
Myrlene Jack
6 mutual friends
Helene Markus
3 mutual friends
Elizabeth Imondi
172 mutual friends
Kristy P. Ashley
28 mutual friends
Christi Landers Ward
18 mutual friends
Linda Freethinker Thompson
84 mutual friends
Victor Henson
34 mutual friends
Donna Bentley Schrimsher
9 mutual friends
Cynthia Raytos
2 mutual friends
Jackie Walker
94 mutual friends
Debra Tillman Larson
2 mutual friends
Roxann Bass
35 mutual friends
Kim Wood
5 mutual friends
Sarah Jenkins Kawa
185 mutual friends
Stephanie McEntire Buker
318 mutual friends
LisaMarie Smith-LaRose
3 mutual friends
Amanda Bloomfield
39 mutual friends
Cherrie Brecht
57 mutual friends
Michelle Gomillion
10 mutual friends
Tanya Davila
8 mutual friends
Michele Kim Bahlmann
45 mutual friends
Beatriz Musick
174 mutual friends
Bola Muyis
78 mutual friends
Debbie Fulcher Belch
262 mutual friends
Mary Nonimous
36 mutual friends
Patricia Woodard
38 mutual friends
Hettie Beyer
18 mutual friends
Bridget Chapman
81 mutual friends
Beloved Richi
69 mutual friends
Chris Dugger
39 mutual friends
Debbie Brown
6 mutual friends
Chrissy Ward Hinkle
193 mutual friends
Brandalyn Ziemann
7 mutual friends
Sharon Cosby
144 mutual friends
Lilo Sanchez
14 mutual friends
Brigitte Pigram

Christo Amsterdam

23 hours ago · Edited

I need to post this...My biological father has not been there for me since birth...and I know the feeling of those children who has been mistreated that way..the hurt is unbearable...I have two kids today my eldest daughter is 16 and my son Immanuel 10...Loving my kids was a Huge problem because I couldn't relate to loving was a new challenge for me especailly the "huging and kissing part" it was really hard though...I was longing and yearning to be loved and to love but on my life journey God revealed to me that the Love I was searching an looking for was right there inside of me...that revelation opened up a new perspective to love and to be loved. now I can freely Love my wife kids and everybody around me. Wow!!! — with Hal Williamson and 22 others.

Hal Williamson, Christo Amsterdam, Joe Black and 47 others like this.

Andrea Lynn Praise the Lord!!!
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Sharon Cosby Christo Amsterdam I love your transparency bro. I was in the same situation with my dad as well. And it is amazing when the Spirit reveals truth about love...that we are love all's in us and are us...LOVE. I know your wife and kids got to love this love journey you are on because as your Facebook friends we are experiencing your love and friendship on a social network perspective. You are such a blessings...
23 hours ago · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Thank you Sharon Cosby!
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam Somebody needs to read this...I know they wil!
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I relate to you bro..this year is the first time in my life I started telling the people I love that I love them..I know who I am now...I will never lack again..only love..I love you prince christo xoxo
23 hours ago · Like · 4

Brigitte Pigram Oh...its also the first time 2 months ago I ever said I love you to me..
23 hours ago · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Wow!!! Princess.B...this is a Good year for you Michael and kids
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram

Yep...the best!!
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram Ive always been able to say it to my kids...but only them..
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Beatriz Musick

Thanks. I love you back.
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Brigitte now you can say it to All of your Universal family.
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Linda Woods

This is so powerful. I can really relate. Thank you for sharing.
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Michelle Rivera-Torres I can relate. Thanks for sharing Christo Amsterdam
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Wow!!! its awesome to hear your hearts speaking...
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Cherrie Brecht I can totally relate.. I'm so happy for the revelation of love inside of you, praise God! We all love you very much and appreciate your journey of awareness!
23 hours ago · Like · 5

Chandre Epnaar Praise the Lord...God is good all the time....
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Beatriz Musick I thought only perfection deserved love. It took me a very long time to realize we unconditionally love because we are love.

But also, I need to thank my lovely husband Tommy Musick that loved me before I could even love myself.
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Beatriz Musick and Tommy Musick your Love music playes in my ears!
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram I do bro...all the think everyones gonna get sick of me saying it soon but I cant help it...its bubbling out everyday..
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Amanda Bloomfield I can absoloutely relate christo.I hàd a similar journey to you.
I was taught that I was unloveable.
I was always working to obtain love,but never feeling worthy of receiving it.
I found hugging & kissing hard too.
But thankfully that's all changed & I know how to love those I cherish.
Thanks for sharing your story friend.xx
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Princess.B I can relate.
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Amanda Bloomfield xoxoxo
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Julie Ferwerda What a GIFT for you and your family!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Julie Ferwerda PS, I too had the same realization a few years ago, just before Love opened my eyes. I realized the problem in myself--in the world--is lovelessness, handed down to us by our parents, and their parents. People don't know how to love and can't love unless they have had the encounter than plants the seed of love in their hearts. It's both humbling and inspiring.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love I was not with my bio parents either. I relate as well. Though I have a different concept of god I definitely know what you mean about the love and everything found inside is. Good stuff. My son is getting to experience that. though at times I catch myself being strict. My first child though so I'm learning. Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Ghosty Love And I love yall too
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Brigitte Pigram I love you chris.xo
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Ghosty Love Love you to Bridget.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Its brigitte
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love I know but my phone thinks it's smarter. I've learned not to argue with it. Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Lazy is what you are!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love Lmao. You figured me out!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram Hey can you believe we are all going to b able to see eachother everyday for ever????
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram I know!!
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram Ill be like...hey ghostly..come for a cuppa..and youll just blink and voila!!! Youll b in my kitchen..
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Im gonna b really majorly pissed if we die and thats it!!! Or I come back as a cockroach!!! Will not b happy at all!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Beatriz Musick Haha. If you came back as a cockroach, you will love the cockroach too. Haha. Love is the trick.
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram Ill kill it with spray!!! Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam This is how I feel right now...tears of Love and joy.

22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 9

Brigitte Pigram Wait a minute..I cant kill
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram I dont wanna b a cockroach!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram If we dont spend eternity together ill be like Laaaawd WTF!!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Brigitte we wil see one another Papa wil make it possible right here on earth...and ill get that Hug.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram I am head over heels deliriosly in love with my family!! Ive got a huuuuuuge crush on you all.xo
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Brigitte Pigram I know that brother 100% in my heart..hope we're not old tho!!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram And my slow dance!!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Hahahahaha nope Brigitte I'm 44 and I'm 25 in strengh and energy...I'm not leaving this earth any time soon!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Oh yes you'll get that dance Lol! hehe
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I cant wait
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam wheres my man Bola Muyis and Bridget Chapman?
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Hes reading this
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram He should b popping in any minute..
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Bola Muyis
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Is that all Bola Muyis? you don't have anything to say to the Family?
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Bola Muyis Christo my brother you guys have said it all... really you have. I was fortunate to have my father in my life but I was afraid of that man for a long time. He was as strict as they come. As an adult we have and enjoy a much better relationship. The thing is his father was no walk in the park. When I had my first child I saw the same mean streak growing in myself and I was distraught. Am so glad Love opened my eyes, love opened my eyes with help of most of you my family right here on facebook to be honest.... my family has not been the same.
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 8

Suzi Chambelán Christo I still can't give my kids a hug or tell them I love them. I get you. My youngest I'm Try'n hard to coz my other 2 haven't had me saying I love you or me hugging them.
22 hours ago · Like · 6

Bridget Chapman Wow wow wow. It's so refreshing to know & connect with you Christo and many of you that you have not only been down same road of rejection but have experienced & tasted true freedom and pure love from our our only Real Papa god. My dad died when I was 14, I never knew what a father figure was supposed to be so I searched for love thru drugs and sex for many years. Omg Our father is so Faithful to open our eyes of what love is by loving ourselves which is same thing as loving god.
21 hours ago · Like · 7

Bola Muyis Suzi, you are one of the most loving from what I've seen here on Facebook... just keep on walking... remember you're perfect.
21 hours ago · Like · 6

Bridget Chapman Bola and I thinking on same minds this morning. He has opened our eyes of our hearts plain n simple.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Bridget Chapman Exactly what Bola said Suzi.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Bridget Chapman Brigitte and all you guys..I'm so blessed to call you Family!.
21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Suzi you are worthy of my hug and the hugs of your kids...Love you sister!
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bola Muyis Growing up as a child I confess there were days I wished my Dad won't come back home. I don't think he hated me at all but God he said some truly awful things... words that really hurt. Am not better than he was... but truly love has made all the difference. Thanks for sharing this Christo some things are just too painful to bring back up. But my Dad really is a good guy... I guess he just needed to "wake up" to LOVE like many of us if not ALL.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Ghosty Love Open the eyes of my heart lor.... bolaaaa. Ha ha ha
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Ghosty Love I felt guilty for a second when my dad died because I was relieved. Though it was relief I loved him and still do.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Bridget Chapman Christo thanks for being so transparent and vulnerable, theirs so much glory on that.
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bola Muyis Hahahahaha Ghosty Love I remember that well
21 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love Ha ha ha it just came to me from Bridget Chapman comment
21 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Suzi its gonna happen sis...sooner than later..but until it does..your kids know love better than anyone I know sis..I love you.xoxo
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bridget Chapman Ghosty Love is another big testimony of how papa opened his eyes. Love you Chris.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Ghosty Love I do think regardless of a perceived heaven were all the same and all together whatever form experienced.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Ghosty Love Love you very much Bridget Chapman.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Bola Muyis Suzi Chambelán I agree with Brigitte Pigram we love you regardless we are no better than you, we are in this together... ONE.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Christo Amsterdam Where is Chris Dugger?
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bola Muyis Chris Dugger where is you brother?
21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Ghosty Love Teach me how to dugger.. Ha ha
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Christo Amsterdam as this thread continues we gonna have some great testimonies
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Cynthia Linox This is awesome Christo. Thank you for sharing.
My dad was an excellent provider. But I never heard him tell me he loved me. At 8yrs old he sent us to boarding school to a foreign country. I definitely did not hear it there. That was my "normal"
Knowing God has been my greatest blessing. I GOT IT FROM HIM! Now I'm free to indulge in the LVE exchange. And Thank God my husband reminds me every day.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Jeanie Nauta beautiful in us ya
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Shelina Joy That is awesome!
21 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Cynthia Linox I salute all of you for sharing your amazing stories with me...Wow!!!
19 hours ago · Like · 1

Chris Dugger WOW christo i can so relate to not loving urself and trying to get it from others like ur parents and friends and that. but im finding out that there alot of ppl that dont understand what love really is so thats why its so important to love yourself cuz when u love urself ppls opinions and their conditional love wont affect u. im still working on loving myself cuz freaking religion says no its bad to love urself its vanity and all that shit and ur selfish ifu do well who the hell said selfish was a bad word lol. also this is so awesome ive never been talked about and loved from my family and friends like all of you guys and i appreciate and love every one of you guys Ghosty Love Christo Amsterdam Bola Muyis
17 hours ago · Edited · Like · 7

Ghosty Love Big O hugs.
12 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Chris Dugger you are stil on time showing up hahaha i hope you were blessed by the testimonies of the family on this thread it is really awesome to know some can relate to us!
8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam I'm not just enjoying you all as Family but also learning some valuable stuff! xoxoxo
11 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam where is Sarah Jenkins Kawa?
11 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I think shes asleep
11 hours ago · Like · 1

LeRae McBroom
10 hours ago · Like · 2

Suzi Chambelán I love you verrrry much Christo. You're a great encourager & lover. You're amazing bro.
8 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam LeRae McBroom perhaps you have something to say to the family...I know whether you are blessing by this awesome testimonies?
8 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam Suzi Chambelán I love to include you in my tags now I know why I felt that way...Love you too very verry much!
8 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Brigitte Pigram my Princess you Rock as Bola says...and now I sayi t to you! xoxoxo
5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

Debbie Fulcher Belch Christo Amsterdam!!! You are The Perfect Example of LOVE and I Adore YOU my Dear Loving Precious Dear ONE!!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Debbie Fulcher Belch Yes... Brigitte Pigram ROCKS!!!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram Christo I was missing my dad all day yesterday out of the blue until I realised last night the date was when he passed away 5 years ago..xo
4 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram No arguments there lol
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Debbie Fulcher Belch WOW!!! Brigitte, I have those bouts too.. my Daddy will never leave my HeART...he was my hero!!! Wow... we are so much ONE!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I know!!! Christo knew.he is my seperation.xo
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Debbie Fulcher Belch Wow wow wow!!!! We are ONE... No SEPARATION!!!! our Loved Ones gone from our sight...are waiting to unite with us...Never to Fright... Never to We were taught if they were not RIGHT...oh My...what a terrible thang to tell those in grieving...oh my!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Yep...what a lie..
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram We are connected from the beginning to the end...glory!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Debbie Fulcher Belch GLOW~ry!!!!

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