Tuesday 21 April 2015

Perhaps I drive people nuts

Perhaps I drive people nuts with continually banging on about the third level....but i was so charismatic and so wrong at the same time....I don't want others to have to go through the same mess as me.
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Cliff Gableman, Joan Reilly, Amy Valentine and 7 others like this.
Michael O'Hara Chris... Brother you worry too much.
21 hrs · Like

Chris Welch have you seen the messes?
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Michael O'Hara Besides "what's done is done" and what's (going to be) revealed is going to (now) be revealed.
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Michael O'Hara Who's looking at the messes?
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Michael O'Hara "But we see Jesus"
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Chris Welch Put it this way....some people are still not talking to me 40 years on
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Chris Welch I'm like those people who lose their child to a car accident and spend their life making roads safer
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Michael O'Hara that's not a bad or wrong thing necessarily.
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Michael O'Hara Should you be?
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Michael O'Hara The road we travel is through the fire.
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Michael O'Hara No way around it..only through it.
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Chris Welch I actually have a Bible verse or two to get you off my back
I will raise up a highway of holiness in the wilderness
and ...See More
21 hrs · Like · 1

Michael O'Hara So speak that and not "old foundations"
21 hrs · Like

Chris Welch Not every generation has to be this idiotic.....sooner or later people will learn that masons and Luciferians have arranged it all.... and they will know the glory of theLord covering the earth as the waters cover the sea......until then.....
21 hrs · Like · 2

Michael O'Hara "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.." (Isaiah 43:1-3)
21 hrs · Like

Michael O'Hara "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor M...See More
21 hrs · Like

Mikkel Thomsen Michael, the problem is that if we don't know we are a mess, we probably continue living on in a deception. and while we are going through the wilderness, we need those who have went before us, to lead us as it was with Moses and the Law, for the Isrea...See More
19 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 2

Sandy Halverson amen..mikkel...!
19 hrs · Like

Mikkel Thomsen Thanks Sandy!
19 hrs · Like

Michael O'Hara I don't think we who follow Christ are a "mess" Mikkel even remotely. I think we're in a great position be drawn out into the "wilderness" and trust in Christ alone who btw.. "Came back filled with the Spirit."
17 hrs · Like

Mikkel Thomsen We actually are messed up when we consciously or unconsciously operate as if we are self-reliant selves in order to operate ourselves when we in fact are totally new creations, Christ in our forms. Though we are Christ's "mess" and it is Him who work us out of that deception!
16 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 2

Chris Welch The unconscious operation being the worst...Satan has asked to sift you Peter, but i have prayed for you.
Peter had no idea....then when the "crash " happened....he then went to the other extreme and hardly dared look Jesus in the face...either in the courtchambers or at the shoreline later when jesus came to prepare their breakfast.
16 hrs · Like · 2

Mikkel Thomsen Exactly! So Jesus before He went to the Father and sent the Spirit in His place, He was as the Law to them... nothing but an outer guidance, yet a mediater, not yet knowing their inner source! See, the Law is in play! And the Law is the outer-pre-light, consciously preparing a path for Another who is coming (the inner birth/knowing of the Spirit!)
14 hrs · Edited · Like

Samantha Paradinha We are a mess. When we say we see our sin remains. Smh when I see all healed I will say the mess is gone!
16 hrs · Like · 2

Samantha Paradinha I laughed out loud at the 'I have a Bible verse or two comment' yes you do. Just funny how that came out. Youse guys... Smh I think you mistake his love for worry. It's love. Not speaking for that many years hmm is that loving your brother? It matters, ya know. It all matters. Hurts...
16 hrs · Like

Mikkel Thomsen True Samantha, either we see that we are a mess, or we see that we are whole, complete and lacking nothing! But we only know who we are, by first trying to function in what we are not.
15 hrs · Edited · Like · 2

Mikkel Thomsen Nothing can be known except by the experience of opposites, the one swallowing up the other, by our choises, to gain its known reality! So the Law expose to us when we operate in the deception of self-reliance making the wrong choises (being flesh minded), and the Spirit works in us and confirm in us when we operate as right selves in Christ making the right choises (being Christ minded).
15 hrs · Edited · Like

Chris Welch That's the issue. It is also the issue of the moment in the macro world. Nearly all feedback has been destroyed....in many areas we are now Lawless....cast adrift. The VOICES we trust are all eroded, eaten away.....
It's no small book....Architects o...See More
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Mikkel Thomsen That's why we need those walking before us, who knows.
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Chris Welch either that or learn the hard way
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Mikkel Thomsen Its still the hard way. We must experience in ourselves.
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Chris Welch that is true.....but without quite as much collateral damage
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Mikkel Thomsen The mediaters (those walking before you) purpose is to confront you, as an outer means (like Moses), when you are outward (flesh) minded, yet interceding for you to the Father! Sufferings are inevitable on both sides!
15 hrs · Edited · Like

Mikkel Thomsen Michael, "Who's looking at the messes?"....

We all inevitable are, until we have learned that the "messes" is the means of God to make us conscious sons in Christ, knowing Him as All in all! ...See More
15 hrs · Like · 1

Michael O'Hara "For the Spirit had not yet been given" John's words regarding the "ineptness" of the disciples. Now that the Spirit has been poured out from on high and now that we are a "royal priesthood, a holy nation" We are a "mess"? Naw we falter and stumble ...See More
13 hrs · Like

Chris Welch Mikkel this is the thing with Michaels generation....they did the Word first.....like Jesus and the disciples and Norman Grubb......I only spent 6 weeks not being baptised in the Spirit. Like the Corinthians and many since Acts 2 we had to learn within a Spiritfilled mishmash.
6 hrs · Like

Mikkel Thomsen I don't know what you mean with a Spiritfilled mishmash. But I know concerning myself that immediately I heard the Word I believed and recieved Him in my life, I was filled with the Spirit. Since then I basked in the Spirit several years after! The Spi...See More
5 hrs · Like

Chris Welch Michael's agegroup was more like Norman....once they were ministering they were faced with their own banktuptcy and that's when many turned to the Spirit. With graham Pulkingham he always went as far as to say that his baptism in the Spirit lasted 3 months on a crypt floor.....meaning it included his bankruptcy and continuous tears. We see this best displayed in Joel and the priests before the altar.
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Chris Welch I reckon a lot of the 10 day period between the Ascension and the Acts 2 Outpouring was genuinely like this for the 120. We are not old....but in context of their massive failures this makes sense.
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Mikkel Thomsen I don't think any "outpuring" of the Spirit is dependent on which level the "minister" has arrived. Actually it is dependent on the believing and reception of the hearer. It's the same Spirit working in and through all! Although one who is mature in his faith life, would be more consistent than the novice. And the birth of the Spirit only means, the inner witness/confirmation of the Spirit of what you have believed.
4 hrs · Edited · Like

Chris Welch In practice it is about coming to the end of ourselves...or silly notion of independent self...it doesn't exist. Seemed to happen to you while Spirit baptised....possibly happened to Michael like the disciples....beforehand. Nobody is earning anything...we are simply walking the way for us.
8 mins · Like

Sandy Halverson Well ...i do not have someone going before me...that leads me..the only one i have come to listen to..that is all in all to me...is the voice of Jesus...He and the Father know everything about me..and i live for the purposes of jesus..in the earth..obey God not man..all the other .."preachers/teachers."..have their own testimony...we all do..i personally had to learn and grow through the experiences for the past 35yrs...not a easy task..but substantial..and beneficial...in the Spirit realm..and for God's perfect will working in me and through me...
8 mins · Like

Chris Welch Yes but Sandy...there isn't really a thirdlevel church yet. The nearest you will get to that is a Union gathering and they aren't really pulling their punches yet. Fred Pruitt may well only be at a similar phase to Jesus in Nazareth. We are in a transition period. Where those who have the Spirit's anointing don't really articulate consciousness and those who have sought God deeper have almost laid aside spiritual gifts like Sundhar Singh did when virtually half of India wanted to follow him just because he healed somebody.
Once the prophesied "Highway of holiness is properly carved out" lots of things will be switched on again. Most of us when we see a "signs preacher" speaking out of separation rush to the nearest bathroom sink. It's almost like it has to be completely remodelled.
Right away from "GIVVUS YOUR MONEY GOD TV."

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