Monday 20 July 2015


Original Post here

THE TRUMPET SOUNDS! Seriously… please do read this and share this far and wide.

Bare with me everyone because for many I am going to SHARE may sound a bit crazy… But I promise you, I am of sound mind. (I know all crazy people say that… right? … Well, I am not one of them.

I do know this will sound odd. I have never been one to share gloom and doom. So I am fully aware that what I am about to share a bit out of the ordinary, but today I am very much in agreement with inspiration that what I am going to share MUST be shared.

And this is only the first post on this. Tomorrow, a video most likely will follow, and if what I feel in my heart is true, then I expect many more dreams and visions and ideas on the subject to give me plenty of material over the next couple of weeks. As the time may be short to do so.

You have to understand, I am not a conspiracy guy. I had no idea of what was going on in conspiracy chats or blogs or whatever, about military exercises and a comet that might hit the earth. But I DO know, that I was woke up last night inspired once again, with something new to say.
That being said, I have learned from experience to listen and to simply act upon what I am inspired to do, when I know without a shadow of a doubt that I MUST SHARE IT.

So here it goes,

For months now I have been telling others by September 15 there is going to be a huge change in my life, possibly the world. My wife, my colleagues, friends close to me, and other spiritual men and women I know on here will attest to this.
So try and follow me here…

Last couple of nights I have had dreams and ideas/visions that I should start telling people that now is the time to truly LOVE and to CHANGE the way they live their life.I have been feeling lately like I needed to warn them.
Why? You ask.

Because things in this world are going to change very drastically, very soon… Things are going to get much, much worse. That’s right I am talking like end of days worse… THE GOOD NEWS being this leads to something truly beautiful.

Now for years, I have written that the things we read about in Revelation as well as the entire body of scripture is meant to be taken allegorically. And while that was true for me, and for many like me, who have woken up to the reality of “God” and Love, for the rest of the world I have now come to believe these events are quite literal. Which is why, I have been haunted by Inspiration telling me to WARN THEM…

Sounds a bit odd, I know. But, you have to trust me, I do believe in a little while as the scriptures state, “God will once again shake the heavens and the earth, and shake all nations, and the desired of all Nations will come, so the HOUSE of God (us) may be filled with glory”…

In others words, things in the world are going to get much worse if we don’t return to LOVE … But if we do, as Ninevah was spared so may the wicked in this world as well… So may this world be spared from, what my dream would seem to imply, could be the beginning of sorrows, also known as Jacob’s trouble ironically.

I know that sounds nutty… But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I have a history of saying things will happen before they happen, not bragging just stating a fact. If you know me, you will know this to be true.

And again, I don’t just say attention grabbing things to get attention either… I for years didn’t believe any of it could be true…
That has changed!

So, I want you to know that to say, I have ruled out the possibility that this is simply an over active imagination on my part. I am rational very successful man both in life and business… So I don’t consider this a flippant post but one that I believe must be shared immediately.

My faith and passion to serve God (inspiration, love, peace, truth) will always trump public opinion of me.

So last night, after a dream of my wife preparing a fatted calf, and hearing the words, warn them of what is to come in my heart, … I woke up Danielle and we spoke for about an hour. I told her of my fear, and explained of the many coincidences that have led me to this BELIEF that the world was going to go through a terrible time…

I wrote about this in my novel, in fact the whole “fiction” led up to the main character stating… SHAKING WAS COMING UNLIKE ANYTHING THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN.

As I said, for awhile now SEPT 15 I thought was about me, about everything changing for me… BUT NOW I KNOW IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT ME… it is about the world as a whole.

Throughout the day, I had unnerving coincidences that continued to point me into this direction, where I am sharing with you all tonight.
I will share some…

Today, I found out, as it turns out this SEPTEMBER 15 I have been talking about, also happens to be THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES (literally)

But it gets better, on Sept 13, 14 it is time for the the FEAST OF TRUMPETS … This is ironic considering I have been writing about this very moment recently, my 144,000 essay, my videos about it, my Trumpet shall sound Video and more leading up to this moment.

But it gets more surreal.

Before this day according to scripture the MOON will not give it’s light …

Matthew 24:29
“Immediately after the distress of those days “‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light…

And coincidently on Sept 13,14 there is a NEW MOON! (GOOGLE IT)

Which means, the Moon before this day sept 15 literally will not give off its light.

Not to mention also on September 13 there is going to be a partial Solar Eclipse. That is a whole heck of a lot of coincidence. But read on, there is more.

This is how Jonah must have felt … I on the other hand, prefer not to be swallowed by the great fish and brought to the depths of hell before realizing I should of said something to begin with.

And as I prayed SHOULD I REALLY COME ON HERE AND SAY SOMETHING… I get an email from my good friend Bob, who is asking me to do a voice over for the trailer of his novel, whose lead character is loosely based on me “Noah Israel the voice in the dead woods” — Take a look at the voice over copy I receive.

Bob Souliske 8:26pm
We tried to warn them, so many times in so many ways.
They would not listen. Now the price has been paid.
The darkness has fallen and the long night has descended.
There is still hope, it flickers softly.
Even in the darkness there is always a shimmer of light.
Hope has sparked our conviction and our conviction has strengthened our resolve. We will be the light that shines in the darkness. We will be that voice that echoes through out creation.
“We will be free.”

My prayer… should I warn them… answered quite literally within seconds of me praying it.

Everything is about to change, unless everyone changes … So please LOVE LOVE LOVE

We shouldn’t need a major natural disaster to turn us back to the Lord of Love and Peace, we shouldn’t need earthquakes and a star falling from the sky to remind us that it is better to love than hate.

So for lack of a better word, and at the risk of sounding like that guy … Repent (turn back to love)
I am not saying the world is coming to an end, just an fyi, but I DO know an END OF SOMETHING IS COMING… and I believe that to be MAN’S WICKED WAYS.

I have been saying September 15 for a long while (i thought that had to do with my career, as I said before) however, I am dedicated to following what many consider to be Inspiration, I will call it GOD…

I think the coincidence is too coincidental … Call me what you will… But before doing so, take these words to heart.
AFTER THE DISTRESS… the scriptures also speak of a STAR FALLING from the sky… In scripture it is known as wormwood…
AND GUESS WHAT… On September 15, 2015 — A COMET (star) may just fall from the sky… right after the literal moon is literally darkened (new Moon)…/nasa-confirms-2-5-mile-wide…/

COME ON! REALLY? I and my friend Charlie thought… How is this all possible? Why was I woke up from this dream and vision and inspired to warn the world?

I KNEW NOTHING, NOTHING ABOUT ALL OF THIS… I never heard of star or comet approaching the earth… I didn’t know about the military exercises going on around September 15 — google it……/in-texas-a-military-exercise-is-me…

SO I AM HERE TO WARN YOU… after all of that, and more that I can’t even begin to explain in this one post… I KNOW THIS IS MORE THEN A SYMBOLIC EVENT… so please let us get together and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE

Think about it… What if God is real? What if THIS is the time of his “coming/revealing”? I know those who claim to believe, don’t really believe, which is why even your religious leader commit unspeakable acts in the name of God on a regular basis.

Well the time of God winking at such behavior is over….

Think what you want about me… But I know what I know and what you do with it is up to you… I know there will be more to come…

24 hours after sharing this I have received a huge outpouring of support and of course my fair share of attacks.

Readers of mine also opened my eyes to the the Blood Moon Tetrad — which of course is also an unlikely celestial event, also taking place in September…

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord,” – Joel 2:31

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord.” – Acts 2:20

There seems to be a feeling out there that something big is about to happen. Another reader informed me of Shemittah … In fact, three witnesses brought this to my attention.

The Shemittah year ends coincidently on September 13 as well… Which is outlined below…

At the end of seven years you will make a release. And this is the manner of the release: to release the hand of every creditor from what he lent his friend; he shall not exact from his friend or his brother, because the time of the release for the L‑rd has arrived. (Deuteronomy 15:1–2)

Many people are making their rounds saying that there will be a financial collapse … The culmination of the Shemittah Year “the release of debt” happens at the end of seven years …

Side note: I recently did a video about the Gypsy Moths that appeared everywhere in my back yard recently, after seven years of hibernation Mind you.

In any event, many are saying (just found this out) that they believe there will be a global financial collapse…

Now if there be an event, that possibly wipes out of grid… Well, everyone’s debt would be wiped clean indeed…

My friends, that is a WHOLE LOT of coincidence … None of which I was aware of until the night before last when I woke up understanding that I needed to warn the world that EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TO CHANGE… And I do believe it.

As I have been saying on social media, credibility be damned, public opinion be damned, Let God be true and I am committed to doing what inspiration tells me to do.

I have nothing to gain by sharing this. Up until this point the majority of what I shared was to reveal the symbolism and the allegory of scripture to understand the spiritual …

But now, I am here to say I believe we LITERALLY will see a Global shift, crisis, event, etc that we have never before seen… So we need to LOVE now more than ever before. We need to repent. We need to return to the Lord.

So keep watch, because very shortly, things are going to get very interesting. I love you, PLEASE DO SHARE THIS MESSAGE and the ONES TO FOLLOW, Below you will find a Video I did to further explain my heart, which I hope helps you understand why I am doing what I am doing.

“Immediately after the distress of those days “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (Matthew 24:29-34 NIV)
I Love You All, Jacob

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