Tuesday 18 August 2015

Mermaids,Shapeshifting etc

Kisa Emmanuel Amos :
Yes, mermaids are heard of in many African countries and some of them are owned by rich people who get their wealth through black magic. We have one singer here, who even transformed into a mermaid on TV.so when a person says they are a mermaid they mean they are possessed by some kind of shapeshifting entity that can take that form or that likes hanging around in the water areas?

They just change shapes. I was in Kisi - Kenya preaching, and I saw someone I knew who had died some years ago, and she knew me.
I was shocked... because we had burried her and I attended the burial.
That evening, a business man came to Bishop Bony's house, who was my host and he requested that the preacher from Uganda should go and pray for his family and businesses. Bishop allowed it and I went with him. When I was in his house, before I started to pray, I sensed the presence of devils around. So, I pleaded the blood of Jesus, but still I could feel it.
Two women knocked at the door. The man was shocked because there are guards at the gates, who would have to first call to know if visitors were to be allowed in. I was surprised when these women knew me in and out and even said they were listening to my radio programs and that when I preached on TV, they saw me.
When I started praying in my spirit, they started feeling uncomfortable, and they couldn't look into my eyes. When I looked down on their feet, they had feet like goats. I immediately started opened my mouth to pray into war. These women spirits just disappeared.
Then immediately, the man took me to his yard. There were 17 trailers (trucks), that seemed to have been there for a longtime, not working on the road. He told me that his business counterparts bewitched his businesses. I opened the door of one of the trailers and sat. When I held the steering wheel, I felt a snake slith in my hands... and indeed, the steering wheel turned into a snake. That is what would happen every time any driver who was given a job to drive would try driving.
I couldn't stay in. I got out and only to find, 17 snakes surrounded us, wanting to bite us. I prayed, and they diminished. From that day on wards, his trailers are working.
These mermaids turn into anything, I think.
But with information from Lucifer's agent who got saved during one of my crusades, he said that these mermaids are in different forms, half human and half animal and they can turn into the type of animal they halved
My Ghanaian evangelist friend had a wife that was somehow into all this stuff and used to go off and have sex by astral projection with her "spiritual husband" in some cave by the sea. You can understand this was my first hearing of such things....

Kisa:I have had several encounters with these spirits and also have had real physical attacks

Chris Yes you said....not surprised either. You can see why Morris Cerullo shuts himself in hotel rooms for two or three days before gatherings and refuses to eat and meet people first.
i think before i ever ministered with you....I'd do what I did with my Ghanaian friend and like the book of Acts just spend ages with you in prayer and worship first.

Kisa It's very important to also have an equipped team of intercessors. There are times when you are on mission and unable to keep check in prayer all time. Intercessors are very vital.
Keeping in prayer and fasting is essential as well. Before any mission, I involve in a time of prayer and fasting. I must see victory before I even go to the field. I see miracles happening before they happen. Knowing that missions' field is a warzone, preparation is essential.
The devil targets you when he sees something is about to happen.
When Lucifer's agent got saved, he had come to stop the miracle of a deaf and dumb boy receiving deliverance. He confesses being told by Lucifer to stop all the work I was doing in Iganga. He sent many agents to stop me. They made me lose many things... a car, a house, a wife, a child, land, and money. In doing this, they thought I would give up on ministry, but this was fuel for ministry. When I was about start preaching on that day, I prophesied that the devil will make a great loss... and here, when he tried all he could by casting spells to interrupt me and he failed, he caused power to go off, and the people started rioting ... but I continued praying ... and then, the Holy Spirit told me to call a boy who was deaf and dumb so He could heal him. I knew once this happens, the people would stop rioting ... and indeed, when they power of God touched the boy, all people shouted in praise and the situation was restored.
When I made the alter call, he heard a voice commanding him to give his life to Jesus, and that it was his last chance... he accepted Jesus. His story is long, the prayer time with him for his deliverance, his turning into different forms of animals and birds and reptiles... his death and smelling in less ten minutes, it is all a long story. He had spent 7 years feeding on only human blood and flesh. How the Lord helped him start eating human food... so much more
But prayer is essential...fasting is essential too
his death and smelling in less ten minutes, it is all a long story. ????

Yes, he turned into a breathless body, and started stinking like a rotting corpse
yes....that smell stuff certainly seems to be a consequence
17 February 18:02

You have lost a wife for the gospel?
I love the thing about seeing it first before it happens...that's a great key. That's what happened a lot in the revival in my school

Yes. One time in October 2013, she asked me to choose between her and the gospel. I told her I choose God, and all that concerns Him. I told her it was His command and I have to obey every command from my commander. She told me if I set my feet from the house to the missions, I would not find her Home. So, I went to the mission in Luwero for one week. On the 3rd day of the mission, one of the big girls at the orphanage called me and informed me that "mum has left" ... I felt bad, i called her and tried to plead, but she said when I am ready to be with her, she would return. But I made my choice to serve Jesus, regardless. I told her I loved her so much, but I loved God more... this couldn't help. She is now married to another man, a famous Illuminati false prophet.
17 February 20:09
man, you have been in the thick of it.
is there a famous Illuminati false prophet in Uganda? How is he going to be any better....even if he is serving the enemy but has a good front if he is in ministry then he will be all over the place. I don't get her reasoning. She will have more money....but I can't see he will always be with her
17 February 21:47

There are very many on local TV channels
you reckon loads of them really are connected with the Illuminati?
18 February 04:26

Yes, their attachment to illuminati musicians and tycoons. Most of these guys have publicly confessed their allegiance to bephomet . These prophets perform rituals. This particular man called me and told me that I needed peace, and to recover my wife, and for my Church to be established, and have a croud of members, and become rich and famous... I should join them. And that if I don't, I will lose everything. I told him that there is no point in enjoying the pleasures of evil and then go to hell. And he said that Lucifer is everywhere and he has power over everything, and that hell is for those who don't worship him. That clearly proves who he is, and what these are other guys falling in the same category are
18 February 16:56

Shalom my brother
I only just read the last bit....my my my.....he left no doubts did he? Offering your wife back too...
He clearly wants others.

wow wow wow what times we live in. I am glad God has given you some trust of me....because normally speaking evangelists like you who speak to big crowds never ever have anything to do with people like me and the sort of message I am bringing. So I consider it a great honour to be trusted.

You and I are serving the same Master!

Mermaids-Water creatures and Demons  , the Underwater Kingdom of Satan
taken from this article

The information here should not be branded as folklore or urban legend or fairy take. They are real information which came from the experiences of real victims who have been serving Satan and have been in contact with the spirit world for many years.
I also have a copy of a picture and testimony of a Mermaid from Africa who got saved, became a Christian and lived to give her testimony on the Sun Newspaper in Africa.

Over the centuries, there has been a great deal of sightings of these creatures around the world, notably, the Eastern countries and few places in the Caribbean.
Documents have been made that the creatures seen in the sea and on the shore, resembles half fish and half of what looks like the resemblance of a human. Sometimes, the creatures would assume a full human resemblance.
These information also came from real men and women of noble stature in society who lived to share their testimony. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

The Marine kingdom (WHICH IS SPIRITUAL) is established beneath the Atlantic Ocean and the Headquarters of Marine kingdom of Satan is said to be located beneath India’s Sea. The “Queen of India’s sea” is the head of Marine kingdom, while the “Queen of the Coast” is next in command and resides within the Atlantic Ocean. It is said that both are also among the fallen angels and travel in the form of half humanoid and half fish.

These Demonic spirits are called “Aquarius spirits” or “Marine spirits”. These Demons are contacted through witchcraft as to receive supernatural powers.

This Marine kingdom is a highly organized and strategized; a place where extreme technology and sophisticated equipments are used by high ranking Satanists to design things that are seductively beautiful and irresistible.

They are occultist; psychiatrists and scientists, technical engineers who work tirelessly in Labs to design the latest weapons, perfumes, and assorted types of cosmetics. Many perfumes to lure men and women are designed there; many model of women’s underwear and sexy clothing to seduce and distract men are also made there. Also flashy cars and different designs of electronics etc.

This is run by the Queen of the Coast herself.

One may wonder how could physical humans be in the spirit world doing these things. Remember, the spirit realm is real like the realm of the earth; it is just in another dimension and one need supernatural aid to enter there.

Many of the high technological researches and the invention of many playstation and other games are designed under the waters in order to take children away from the desire to becomes Christian or dedicated Christians and to carry them into a vagabond-like lifestyle. This is why most games are demonic, having demonic characters. Demons are specifically placed in the games to kill the children’s desire for school and have it replaced with the desire to live in play station studios all day.

The things that are designed in that spirit world are use on earth to supply people who have signed a contract with the Devil. There victims receive good sale and prosperity but in return must sacrifice one to two souls to the Devil every year. Failure to do the yearly sacrifice could result in serious consequences, including bankruptcy and foreclosure of business and home.

Some of these things are also given to a group called “Recruiters”, agents of the Occult for the sole purpose to distract people from Jesus Christ.
This is a war against Jesus Christ and His Lordship and Kingdom. Revelations 12:12, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and in the sea! For the Devil came down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a little time.”


Water Demons are creatures that exist outside our dimension. They are disembodied spirits of hybrid water creature.

These came about through an abominable union between the Fallen Angels and fishes and also demons and fishes. These half spirit and half fishes became water demons. These are all descendants of the Falling Angels, therefore, because the essence of Angels are immortal, their descendants are also immortal. When they die, they live on, but not as a human soul. These disembodied spirits make up the myriads of wicked spirits in the kingdom of darkness. They are abominations.

Many people who are in witchcraft worship these water spirits for power. Fallen Angels and Demons also had sexual union with other water creatures bringing forth hybrid creatures.

These Demons cannot be caught in nets, nor can humans see them unless the demons allows someone to see them. People who are haunted or possess certain gifts may see in the spirit world and see these creatures. They cause drowning and bad dreams and unclean sexual arousal in the night.

Mermaids who are humans are those engulfed by Demonic powers through sorcery and are able to transform into these water entities. These are mostly servants of the kingdom of darkness who resides within or is in connection to the Marine kingdom.

I have had an opportunity to spend time with a woman who is an ex-Satanist, who held one of the highest position in the kingdom of the Satanism. She was a High Priestess, a General and the Regional bride of Satan in the Caribbean. She is one of those who has escaped the powers of Satanism and lived to tell the tale of these underwater creatures and hidden works of the Devil, of which she is a witness.

Throughout the centuries, many Occult practitioners through the working of witchcraft and Satanism have seen and been with these creatures. The reason why science cannot prove their existence it is because we cannot prove the spiritual with the natural, unless the supernatural manifest in the physical to leaves a physical imprint.

For thousands of years, we have been told tales of beautiful and dangerous creatures which inhabit the waters of the world. The question is, what do we really know about them? Mermaids are not what Walt Disney or Hollywood presents them to be.

A great deal of information on water Demons or mermaids can be found in Witch's Guide To Faery Folk: Reclaiming Our Working Relationship with Invisible Helpers (Llewellyn's New Age Series).

Here is this fact to clear your mind. There have been stories on the media where the carcasses of what is said to be a dead mermaids were washed up on a beach at Chennai after a tsunami, and also, the body of what looked like a mermaid which was found on Florida’s beach and few other places. ALL of these physical findings are hoaxes.

The mermaids who are Demonic spirits are in a spirit form, half humanoid and the lower part of fish. Demons are immortal beings, yet can be killed. Nevertheless, if a demon dies, because it does not have a physical body it cannot be found in the physical realm.

Also, the findings cannot be humans who have been transformed into these creatures because a human can only transform to a mermaid by Demons. If the person dies, the Demon goes away and the person’s body will regain its normal human shape and features.

The findings cannot be the creatures created through genetic manipulation because these creatures are in a watery world distant from human civilizations. Nevertheless, because they are physical deformed creatures, there are possibilities that they can be caught with physical instruments.

If a real sea mermaid is caught, humans would know it is a real mermaid; humans are too intelligent not to know the difference.

Marine spirits are dangerous, though some may appear harmless but a Demonic spirit will always be a demon, evil and wicked.

Types of Water spirits

It is believed among the worshipers of these water spirits that Saturday nights is the time when mermaids in rivers and seas all over the world are most likely to be seen.
Not only these creatures were seen, but also it was said that only few who encountered them escaped immediate death by the powers of these creatures and live to tell the tale. They would drown sailors, cause shipwreck and storms. These paintings were made after the story of sailors who encountered these spirit beings at sea.

Strong physical evidence have not been seen and therefore scientists and philosophers have dismissed the stories and theory as hoax, nevertheless the great account of encounters from all over the world seems to be similar. All the water spirits live in water, most have fish tale, vicious, caries a comb and causes death. Why aren’t people seeing the water spirits as common today as it was years ago? They have been exposed and therefore seek to remain to people as a myth. Also, because of the prayer of the saints of God their manifestations are not commonly seen, but is still present to those of the Occult.

These spirits are call “Nymph” or “Water Nymph” from which we have a sect of spirits called “Naiads” (fresh water spirits) and “Oceonide” (sea water spirits).

Nymphs are “spirits” who manifest in the form of human females, and are typically associated with particular locations. There are different types of Nymphs, but there is a set of spirits that I want to discuss here and they are from a class called “Naiads” and “Oceonide”

Naiads are spirits and are called fresh water Nymphs (spirits) or Aquarius spirits and reside in bodies of fresh water like rivers, streams, brooks, springs, fountains, lakes, ponds, wells, and marshes. These spirits are divided into various subclasses: Crinaeae resides in fountains, Pegaeae resides in springs, Eleionomae resides in marshes, Potameides resides in rivers, and Limnades or Limnatides in lakes.

Oceanids are sea spirits, and are most common to human, for they cause more disaster than the naiads who resides in fresh water. The sea is bigger than fresh water bodies and is the main passage for ships and other water vessels.

The waters over which Naiads presides are thought to be endowed with inspirational, healing, and/or prophetic powers. Thus the Naiads were called water gods and were frequently worshipped by the ancient Greeks. The genealogy of the Naiads was determined by the geographic region and literary source. Naiads were either daughters of Zeus, daughters of various river gods, or simply part of the vast family of the Titan Oceanus or Poseidon (Neptune). Now, as I said before, these Greek gods are not only Greek myths, but are real spirits or Demon princes who take up residential areas to allocate themselves. As much as it is a myth to the ignorant person because of lack of substantial evident, these spirits really exists and are valuable to Wiccan, [nature spirit worshipers] and other pagans.

MAMI WATA (Mermaid of Africa)
All mermaid spirit are called mother of the water or ocean. According to the African culture of spiritism and witchcraft, the Mermaid spirits who resides within the waters of Africa are called “Mami Wata,” which is in the corrected English language (Mommy Water or Water Mommy, which is just another way of saying Mommy or Mother of the Water).

Mami Wata is a pantheon of water spirits or deities, venerated in West, Central, and Southern Africa, and in the African diaspora, in the Caribbean and parts of North and South America.

The most popular-and powerful-African water spirit or mermaid is named “Mamba Muntu” which is her personal African name.
Some devotees of the Igbo people of West Africa, and the many who have encountered Mami Wata have reported to anthropologists that she is a mermaid spirit with the upper part of her body as human and her lower parts as a fish or serpent. It is said that she possesses inhuman beauty, unnaturally long hair of three different textures which ranges from straight, curly to kinky, and either black or blonde, and is combed straight back, and a high complexion that’s beyond normal. She is described as having a large snake (which is a symbol of divination or divinity in many African cultures) around her neck, which wraps itself around her, laying its head between her nude breasts.

In one report it is said that Anthropologist, Mary Bastian (1987-88) did a field research in Nigeria on the Onitsha Market System. During this research, it was reported to her that Mami Wata is female, and that she displays her unimaginable wealth of jewellery such as combs, mirrors, and watches, wristwatch, which represent foreign wealth and would blind those who view it.
Those who are seduced by her or the other spirits are killed immediately under the water and some would come back as her mediums with special powers and would be use for her evil purpose. She also has other forms and can manifest as a man, or fully human.

This report and description came from people who are worshipers of demons.

African legend says that hundreds of years ago, numerous water spirits were living in West Africa and their manifestation to the public were eminent.

These African water spirits were most time encountered as snakes or Crocodile, but were also encountered as half fish and half-human like.

In different African religious systems, such as the Voodoo which is highly practiced in the southern parts of Togo and Benin, and Southern Ghana, there exists consecrated pagan priests and priestesses of the water spirit. Today Mami Wata worship is a wide spread tradition in West Africa, the Caribbean and in America.


THE MERMAID LASIRÈN (Mermaid of Haiti)
This mermaid Demoness is also said to be a powerful water spirit popular in the Caribbean Island of Haiti.
She is called “LaSiren” but in reality, LaSirèn came from the English word Siren, which is a sect of spirits that is said to be half bird and woman and manifest around water as mermaid and sings very beautifully as to attract humans and destroy sailors.These Sirens were said to be manifesting in many areas around the world and was encountered by many. Nevertheless, the name LaSirèn was given specifically to the goddess water spirit of Haiti who is said to be a Mermaid and Queen of the sea.

It is said by the Haitians that LaSirene has the ability to hypnotize people with her beauty. Many say that she is elegant, a beautiful woman who is a temptress and deceiver. She rules over dreams.

In Haiti, Voodoo is one of the most popular religions there. Water spirits are said to be manifesting to the voodoo people there as they seeks the help of these spirits from under the water. Followers of LaSirèn say she takes them below the water to her world for 3 days, 3 weeks, months or even years, and when they return to land, they would return with new powers, yea, it is said that some women become Voodoo priestesses this way.

The Little Mermaid is held as myth and a story, but it came from a background of reality. It is no co-incidence why this Olympian god Poseidon or Neptune (Roman) [a Demon Prince] who is said to be the “sea-god” is a Mermaid, (Merman). He carries an enchanted trident. Therefore, Ariel the Little Mermaid who is the daughter of the Sea god or Sea Demon Neptune would then be a goddess or Demoness.

THE MERMAID YEMAYA (Caribbean Mermaid)
Yemaya's is also a Mermaid similar to the Mermaid in Haiti called LaSirene. Yemaya is an orisha, (goddess) in the Yoruba religion. An Orisha is a spirit which reflects one of the manifestations of Olodumare (God) in the Yoruba spiritual or religious system. The Yorùbá is a large ethnic group in Africa.

Yemaya is being worship in the Caribbean by afro-Caribbeans, in Brazil by Afro-Brazilian and in Africa.
In Brazilian Candomblé, she is known as Yemanja or Imanje. Her feast night is held on Saturday night.

Yemanja has been discovered in the Occultic world to be a beautiful creature with the powers of a constant wave-like movement and is surrounded by lesser mermaids, mermen, fish and other marine life, and is pictured as a Mermaid Queen holding a mirror while standing between the Sun and the Moon. Whenever she dances, there would always be a snake wrapped around her arm, her familiar.
This sea goddess (demon) is having ceremonies made to her throughout the year such as January 1st, June 22nd, September 7th and 9th, October 26th and December 31st. In the north-eastern Brazilian coastline, her greatest ceremony is being held on February 2nd where her so-called children or cults call upon her in the greatest number. In Haitian Voodoo, she is worshipped as a Moon-goddess, and is said to be associated with the mermaid-spirits of La-Sirenn. This Mermaid is popular throughout the areas of Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States, Mexico and Venezuela.

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