Saturday 7 November 2015

Chris Welch online - Information

My online and offline activities are

On now To the Third level     080808onnowto.blogspot,co,uk
At some point in the past Google changed the URL from a ,com blog to a blog which affected my monthly readership figures.
The Google links to the older blogposts still point to .com   which has confused some readers in some countries @080808onnowto        Personal account, which also receives every blogpost title    information

Googleplus      Chris Welch    is affiliated to this Googleblog profile and is my personal account

Googleplus   Piano business related comments and shares

Facebook     Chris Welch   or   personal  page which often carries the seed articles and comments before they become blogposts. Then the full blogpost gets linked back to Facebook for others who missed it to read.

Facebook Piano-s,com    Facebook page    Piano business news and related piano insights

Facebook   Insight Jeunesse page   related to the Jeunesse business

Youtube Channel Chris Welch
At this current time contains all subjects, blog items,teachings,illustrations and animations,personal items like hayling Island,  piano related items, Jeunesse items     Piano tuning, piano repairs, piano restoration, piano removals and news about the business     My Jeunesse Page which leads on to a website which explains all aspects of the products either to buy or sell on, the science and every bit of information about Jeunesse.

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