Saturday 5 December 2015

The Third Level Church has a Bathroom

Already you can observe prototypes but because the gospel isn't actually accurate enough, the early add-ons are like shanty town add ons to existing buildings......hammered on bits of tin as opposed to intrinsic to the Message they are preaching.

YWAM schools of Discipleship

The Bible Houses I was in connected to Ed Miller and Jorge Pradas of Argentina

The 12 step Programmes of America and now Salt and Light Network in Europe.

(bear in mind these last have come full circle, because Frank Buchman nicked the whole procedure of Keswick Movement and Jessie Penn Lewis in the first place, and she was one of the 20 th Century's first Thirdlevellers)

Selwyn Hughes and the Sanfords   and both doing different versions of inner healing

Anybody looking at the great Car crash that is the church, be it
or now charismatic and apostolic networks

NEEDS to get hold of the complete gospel St Paul is preaching, now articulated really clearly by Norman P Grubb in his final great book YES I AM. 1985.   See my blog link.

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