Wednesday 11 May 2016

"Get Involved or be subjugated" Facebook Thread with Jeff Moore

Jeff Moore
4 hrs ·
It is obvious that the news distraction's the Obama organization is running are to hide the more sinister plans it has. Get involved or get subjugated. Your choice. Do your really think Zika virus was ever a threat? Who killed Ted Bundy? Do you think men in womens restroom is a threat? Who is killing the cancer doctors? Get your facts straight the media is bought and controlled by the Obama admin and the NWO. Your lives and wealth have already been cut in half because of the planned first economic failure. The second is coming what are you going to do but be sheep to the Government Mafia you created. God help us now!
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15Cheryl Harrison Lowry, Fran E. Vestal and 13 others
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Sylvia Dunn Mobley
Sylvia Dunn Mobley SELAH. YES, FATHER. heart emoticon
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Saji Joseph
Saji Joseph I'm not fully sure I believe that getting involved necessarily keeps us from being subjugated.
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Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore Saji Joseph - The Republic needs help. We all can pray nad do what God shows us to do. Surely sitting down will lead to ruin.
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Fran E. Vestal
Fran E. Vestal Read Bonhoeffer saja
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Fran E. Vestal
Fran E. Vestal So Jeff can you vote are you still Canadian I do love what you wrote is very thorough
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Saji Joseph
Saji Joseph I have read Bonhoeffer. He was involved and subjugated. I didn't say we shouldn't get involved or pray, but that doesn't keep us from being subjugated.
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Fran E. Vestal
Fran E. Vestal He took a stand and lost his life
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Saji Joseph
Saji Joseph I deeply respect him and and believe his taking a stand was a good thing.I think maybe my post came across as someone who is waiting for everything to go to Ruin and then we must endure that bad place. I believe we should take a stand against evil. I really just have a hard time with the idea that scripture teaches us to rally around political issues. I don't see the early apostles standing in front of Rome asking it to change its political ways.. And how if they don't it's all going to pot. They just preached Christ.
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Fran E. Vestal
Fran E. Vestal Saji Joseph I'm wondering if the scripture say that so much or how we're taught. In my opinion religion teaches us to be passive sheep the only people doing anything saying anything are n the pulpit I don't think that's biblical. Remember after the cross was house-to-house no platform. Background came against them was to scatter them and carry the gospel and not to be just in Jerusalem. So there was a purpose in the chaos. I do not see u.s. as that
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John McDonald
John McDonald BUT sheep are not stupid.
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Saji Joseph
Saji Joseph I guess I have a different reading on what should be pressing on the believer's mind. I am not a part of any religious structure, and have been a part of "house church no platform" since my salvation in Christ. I do not believe Christ calls us to be passive sheep about the kingdom, but He was an example to His disciple when He allowed Himself to be subjugated to the hands of men. He did not allow it until the proper time by telling them that they cannot follow Him yet but will eventually. To me that was a teaching and example of dark conspiracy happening between religious leaders and government to take down Jesus. He was very aware of what was happening and then let it happen like a passive, silent sheep. He tells us this will happen all over the world but to not worry. I am very aware that the lies are there, I'm just not sure how much we are called to be about all this stuff.
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Chris Welch

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Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore I am Canadian. Saji Joseph - Look deeper. It is not an intellectual thing. It is reality my friend. Just shouting out for all who can hear. smile emoticon
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Saji Joseph
Saji Joseph I don't mean to squabble over things we may actually agree on. Maybe I am a bit hesitant to believe that the acknowledgement that there are sinister plans brings us any closer to seeing what those plans actually are and will keep us from being chained into those plans. I will follow Christ in the midst of adversity and hopefully in the midst of severe adversity.
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Jimmie Donald Lewis
Jimmie Donald Lewis Come on Jeff get real, focus on the Bible, trust in it, not the Government. Psalm 22:28.
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Toni Miles
Toni Miles First, I believe Jeff is getting "real" when he clearly said in his post, "it is reality my friend." Second, he focused on the Bible when he said, "we can pray and do what God shows us to do" (instructed by His word in the Bible) . Third, it is clear that he is trusting in God and not the government when in the last sentence of his original post he said, "God, help us now!" . . "The earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof, the world and ALL those who dwell therein, " Psalm 24:1.
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Fran E. Vestal
Fran E. Vestal How long have we had prayer Ministries it's praying for our country 24/7? It's time for people to be involved it's time for people to speak become a town crier where you live
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Chris Welch

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Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore Yes Jimmie my friend I trust God. But for reasons that God has told me I must speak out. I must give people the chance to change the direction. The civil war was not because of lack of prayer but lack of action of faith. God is not an American. He is who He is. The Lord almighty. You think perhaps He will spare the USA? What and apologize to Africa? I agree we must keep our head in the clouds but common sense still tells me I will reap what I sow. That includes ignorance. I hate deception of any kind. Love you my friend Jimmie.
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Jimmie Donald Lewis
Jimmie Donald Lewis Their is a sin of ignorance in our Bible. But I know He does not want us to be ignorant any more. I to love you brother. O, there is no dough about reaping what we sow, that's been proven many time, and a lot of it in Ministry.
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Jimmie Donald Lewis
Jimmie Donald Lewis If you come to joyful sound in June, we will see you there.
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Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore I am planning to see you!!!! grin emoticon
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Jimmie Donald Lewis
Jimmie Donald Lewis Great, we'll see you there Brother.
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Chris Welch

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Chris Welch
Chris Welch One of the mysteries of the gospel is as we preach against the bogus realm of the independent self we actually cross

You can see the alarms being set off in increasing measure in the gospels by all that Jesus did and taught.
He led people in the Way of freedom which meant He was pulling them out of the Pyramid
He actively challenged all the high place speculations He came across.....all the circularities of thinking. A telltale sign was the way the religious slunk away.....because whatever they said would have incriminated them
And lastly His POWER was increasing, more resurrections from the dead. The Greater the supernatural the bigger the problem for Darkness, which relies on people feeling powerless. It simply cannot have people wandering around quoting Isaiah 61
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed set people free etc!!!!!

So I kind of agree with both sides. We are not called to set up a new and improved form of PYRAMID.....
But we are called to speak as the Spirit gives utterance against every form of Satanically controlled existence that refuses to yield to any Lordship of Christ.
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