Saturday 14 May 2016

God's Sealing Process

Man's idea of the seal of approval is a very touch and go process depending  on many many parameters that change like the wind. God's idea of Approval is seeing through to Himself.....there is none other that such a Being could swear by,  We "see through" to the seal of His Being stamped in our very creation before the foundations of the Earth.

“[j]We have a little sister,
And she has no breasts;
What shall we do for our sister
On the day when she is spoken for?
9 “If she is a wall,
We will build on her a battlement of silver;
But if she is a door,
We will barricade her with planks of cedar.”
A bit more about Fatherhood.....
1 John 2...they know Him who is from the beginning
and the verses which precede the song of Solomon verses above
“Put me like a seal over your heart,
Like a seal on your arm.
For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy is as severe as Sheol;
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
The very flame of the Lord.
There should perhaps be a healthwarning that goes with
enter into your inner room and shut your door and meet with your Father in secret....
you will soon notice a strange burning....
God is a consuming fire....
God's consuming fire seal will tear and burn at the fatty layers of your heart......this seal seals your heart...but then it seals every action of your arm....
People in Facebook don't get union, so every time you try to speak about works....they think in their separation mentality.... must be careful about works!!!!! brother.
for me I have been diligent since meeting Richard Wurmbrand, Mothe Basilea Schlink, Graham Pulkingham, Ed Miller....
I have been diligent to seek God. The best years of my life were given to this.....only nobody really explained what would happen.
I don't really know who gets sealed upon whose arm....all I know is that burning flame is fusion. You don't worry about "works brother" after are happy to still be alive....
But yes....
the flashes of fire now come out of your spirit....unpremeditated....
can be extremely embarrassing.....
It's part of spontaneous freefall of faith.
Before you minded your business and kept your nose out.
Now you are ONE.
You see as ONE.
You are really really really offended by disunity in the Body
You are really really really offended by the ghastly prostitutes on every street corner that are buildings....
Methodist church
Anglican Church
Catholic church
Unitarian Church.....
We are filled with flashes of jealousy. You can see it in our eyes.
When does Jesus get to have His Church....who are called alone by His Name....who gather in HIs Name and are in fact ONE across the whole of the Earth?
You don't mean humanly to stick your nose's just that now when you speak to people it's like you are in their insides.
Because God is in their insides....whether they know and recognise it or not....
so you now find yourself talking out of people's insides. How mystic is that?
You see a wall....and you want to build battlements upon him /her because you know what is coming.
You see a "door" a freeflow two way drainhole between somebody and the pyramid world's like you see the Matrix tubes in real time.....
And feel you have to build planks of cedar....of resurrection life to somehow plug the gap.
It's a bit like a hole in a spacecraft through which all the oxygen is escaping......
But you know that person is looking at you and wondering....
Just who gave you authority to even speak into my life????
But that flame of fire, that Fatherhood of God is now in you, doing the next thing....the unpremeditated thing....
God is holy. But the world system has no idea of what holy is. They think it's moral or something?
You can have the most extreme clean code of behaviour and be as sterile as a morgue.
Holiness is OTHER and you get this OTHER by coming alongside FUSING...or better....BEING FUSED UNTO....
but at least this next generation will know something more of the health warning......
YOU WILL NOLONGER BE A DOOR....YOU WILL BE PLANKED IN WITH RESURRECTION that you will nolonger just be anybody's whore....
You will know to whom you belong
Your own SELF....with God inside

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