Wednesday 1 June 2016

Riling Service

Chris Welch on Facebook
If any church wants me to wind them up I am available for bookings free of charge. Judging by my time with Andre Rabes crowd.....which was my last only seems to require about 8 minutes before I rile somebody.

If any church wants me to wind them up I am available for bookings free of charge. Judging by my time with Andre Rabes crowd.....which was my last only seems to require about 8 minutes before I rile somebody.
11You, Sarahlyn Joy Betz, Kathryn Nicholl and 8 others
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Lol! You remind me of Arthur Katz! He did the same thing to nearly every church at which he spoke😄 Have you heard of him? He was, I believe, extremely close to the third level. Kimera considers him her spiritual father. Check out his writings; he has books and sermons.
Like · Reply · 1 · 29 May at 13:00
Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz Whatever God told him to say he'd say & whatever God told him to do he'd do. He said it kept him humble because some things he had to say & do seemed extremely foolish & crude / rude. His books were the first time I was so challenged to think outside the evangelical & charismatic boxes combined. God has not ceased since then to challenge my ordinary thinking. In fact, God will frequently tell me something then come back to it some time later & say, "...that's not it. (pop that bubble) Here's some more insight / understanding in that area." It took me a long time to get it when He'd do that. I used to think He was changing His mind, but He was actually just taking me deeper because my understanding of Him had matured enough in enough areas to be able to accept a more difficult or controversial or complex teaching.
Like · Reply · 1 · 29 May at 15:21
Chris Welch
Chris Welch If you haven't heard I have managed to rile Mrs Katz. I am sure Art was way ahead of the game like Ed Miller, but Art was completely one sided about Israel , dying before the present deluge of revelations on the internet. Ed Miller likewise.
On one occasion Ed forbade anybody from prophesying, but i realise now what he was used to in most secondlevel circles, and he wanted to get to some main meat.
Anyhow the Spirit moved me to prophesy in direct defiance of his protocol....but Ed actually went with it because he recognised where it was coming from.

But generally speaking....we would be trying hopelessly to lead a meeting in worship for half an hour.....he would step up to the podium gently, lead us in a song about the blood of Jesus, and WHAM the presence of God would hit the place.
Like · Reply · 29 May at 15:36 · Edited
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Yep. That's why I think he was ALMOST in the third level. The Lord showed John and I that Katz was wrong about Israel.
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 29 May at 15:48
Chris Welch

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Chris Welch
Chris Welch At the moment people who do this stuff look like weirdos
but this thirdlevel way of operating....or "riling" is normal procedure. The whole of the New Testament letters are buillt on addressing wrong spirits and exposing them....and Acts contains a few set cluding one with the apostles about circumcision...

so we see the Old Testament have to clear the ground first in order to possess it.....we have to tear down proud speculations that are raised against Christ...and this actually is the WORK of the KINGDOM. It is the KINGDOM BEING TRANSPLANTED.
Like · Reply · 2 · 29 May at 15:40
Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz Yes, Art had some things wrong, but was certainly way ahead of the game for his time. He, like you, riled people who refused to rock the boat when God was saying to tip it over.
Like · Reply · 29 May at 15:41
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Satan's Kingdom is largely masquerading as the TREE OF GOOD and without the Holy Spirit nudging us, there is no way we will see it.
Like · Reply · 2 · 29 May at 15:41
Chris Welch
Chris Welch When I was talking at Andre Rabe's weekend I was also trying to stand back and watch objectively how a Christ Chris Welch operates.
I don't have the skills of Andre Rabe, and he and his wife had put together the whole weekend, so i spoke about 4 times in very short sections. I really just spoke from my insides but before long a lady called Rosie was zapped between the eyeballs....she said she had had one of the biggest revelations of her life...and others began to wince and squirm.....and I the same way Daniel Yordy describes him and Columbo the I was shuffling along I was hitting bullseye after bullseye in the Spirit....but ofcourse i really had no idea what I was doing.
Like · Reply · 2 · 29 May at 15:46
Chris Welch
Chris Welch So we must allow the Spirit to do this with all of us and not consider it in anyway strange.
Like · Reply · 2 · 29 May at 15:48
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Yep. That's exactly what the Holy Spirit working through me feels like; I have no idea what I'm doing. I can't tell you how many times I say some random thing and it hits a nerve with somebody and they freak out. And, get bewildered and perplexed. Before I knew better, I would describe myself as putting my foot in my mouth all the time. Even learning to be a zealously careful speaker did no good in helping me to "correct" this syndrome. Obviously, it was God's plan all along.
Like · Reply · 1 · 29 May at 15:54
Chris Welch
Chris Welch In first and secondlevel settings....mostly mostly....the actual seat of Darkness never gets touched one iota. So what do we learn from this?

I think we have to press people into what we have received. That is make sure people know that you can rece...See more
Like · Reply · 2 · 29 May at 16:01
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Amen.
Like · Reply · 1 · 29 May at 16:01

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