Sunday 10 July 2016

Making the Switch to Spirit

The rest of Facebook is entirely wrong in trying to change your leftbrain thoughts. All you are doing is staying in default mode which is a "leftbrain" empowered by a false spirit masquerading as you. You are using the same infested tool to try and think yourself out of a spiritual problem. The devil loves this.
No the Bible puts it this way
Enter Into His Gates with thanksgiving...that's the entrance door
and His courts with praise....that's the first area of the heavenly tabernacle.
God has designed music to make the switch for you. You cannot unhook yourself from the independent self by a simple switch of thinking, the whole machinery is infested, and Romans 12.2 supplies the key. Be Transformed by the renewing of your mind. This isn't just using the same old machinery and thinking God thoughts. This is unhinging the old spirit/mind hookup completely by a change of Spirit.
In meetings, how many times have you gone into a meeting all screwed up on a binary decision, a Yes No, one of two choices decision? The devil has had you scewed up on that one for hours.
You enter a meeting and a whole set of other parameters open up as you are all gathering in the Name of Jesus, putting ON HIS MIND.
This is what Jesuits are messing with America right now, getting whites versus blacks. If you entered the heavens Jesus Christ would probably show you what they are doing secretly and get you doing something totally different.
Notice thanksgiving and praise, the already a Kingdom protocol that totally ignores everything that your leftbrain is or is not up to. It doesn't aim to answer your screwed up state, it gets you practicing Kingdom protocols which are way above earthly protocols and catch you by the Spirit into your true position again, which is reigning with Christ.
Christ cannot reign on earth without "sons of God". Why? Because He's powerless. NOPE. Because God has exalted His Word even above His Name. So while patiently enduring the blasphemy of His Name, He is catching the sons of Men up into Him to fulfil His original mandate. This is the CHOICE of the Trinity.
He Gave the earth to the sons of Men.
Risky huh?
Except the groaning and the writhing of this present creation was designed to bring forth SONS. In other words we would be too darned uncomfortable we would eventually end up doing what we were asked to do, no commanded to do in the first place....
Selah.....for now

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