Monday 10 July 2017

Handicapped and Proud of it

......and never ever reproduces

.....people who preach the whole message get sidelined for being heretics.
No.... sucking pacifiers and eating rusks your whole life is heretical! 20 year old babies get named handicapped.
What we have in the Earth isn't Jesus Bride. No after 2000 years we have a super large handicapped baby.

To a Facebook friend
Sheldon I don't care who does it but some apostolic figure somewhere needs to hold the whole church accountable to the Gates message and stop being so ridiculously divided. Evangelicals own Gates 1-5 but despise any further ones. Charismatics try to pretend Gates 3,4 and 5 don't exist and so they preach a warped 6 and 7 Gate centric message missing huge parts of the gospel and the whole of the baby world church doesn't really enter into any of the thirdlevel ones 8,9,10,11 and 12.
It's crazy and the utmost in stupidity. And people who preach the whole message get sidelined for being heretics. No.... sucking pacifiers and eating rusks your whole life is heretical. 20 year old babies get named handicapped.
What we have in the Earth isn't Jesus Bride. No after 2000 years we have a super large handicapped baby.

The Church pay for mannequins to stand in shop windows for 10% tithe income. Mannequins don't have SEED but the sex is a lot quieter, controllable and seemly.

God speaking about His true people
My people are hidden beyond the lattice. They have gone out to join the bridegroom who was beyond the lattice.
My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
Behold, he is standing behind our wall,
He is looking through the windows,
He is peering through the lattice.
To a people still looking through grid systems, my people can hardly be discerned, but are hidden. Deliberately.
My people are hidden by a rock of offense, by apparent shame.
Moses slew an Egyptian and had to flee.
Jesus was hidden by apparent though not real shame and was considered a bastard.
Peter addressed the first ever church in the first ever sermon by a Rock of offense.....This Jesus whom you crucified....and 3000 left their offense that day and joined the Way.
Paul was hidden by his shame. Having been instrumental in the death of one of the loveliest first saints and evangelists, namely Stephen, as a new convert nobody would receive him or quite believe what God was doing with him.
Many today are hidden by their own paths into the thirdlevel.
When I spoke through My Son and said "You shall not see Me again until you say blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord"
I spoke of the true Son of Man.
You shall not see Me again until you recognise
as Peter recognised,
the existence of the Son of Man in a lowly ex -carpenter...
on such moments of recognition is the Rock of My Church
as at the foundation in Acts 2
as at those who received Paul and My doctrine in him.
I hide, by apparent shame, and by the earthly lattice, My Son, then in turn  My people who are called after His Name
sufficiently long for them to be established in Me and I in them.
Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord
and His Name is Emmanuel, God with us.
Blessed are those who preach
and blessed are those whose feet is shod with the gospel of peace.

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