Sunday 30 July 2017

Pete Cabrera Facebook Thread on Casting out Demons

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Pete Cabrera Jr
22 hrs · Hutchinson, KS, United States ·
People always say demons manifest in believers is this correct? But what does the Bible say after the cross towards a born again believer.. ask your self this question what is manifesting in this passage of scripture?
Is it a demon or flesh..? Just a question ?
Gal 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are MANIFEST, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,...
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78 Cathy Rheeder, Matthew Couch and 76 others
Miguel Angel Perez Jr.
Miguel Angel Perez Jr. There are things that are demonic and works in the flesh! "For jealousy and selfishness are not God's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic." James 3:15
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Cyndi Millett
Cyndi Millett I see that scripture like this: Acting like a devil doesn't mean you "have one" possessing/oppressing. When Jesus addressed Peter was he saying Peter was suddenly or temporarily hosting Satan himself? Or was He saying, Peter- you are thinking like the adversary-you have the mindset of a carnal man saying that. Jesus knew that thinking was not sourced of the Father or HS but of a lower carnal basis (earthly/sensual-senses; devils were cast down to earth, lower plains; carnal is demonic "influenced" or inspired, "natural")
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Miguel Angel Perez Jr.
Miguel Angel Perez Jr. Cyndi Millett I see what you are saying. It doesn't say that demons are hosting but it also doesn't say they aren't
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Chris Welch

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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta What about infirmity Pete?
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta If a believer can be sickness possessed then it can also be demon possessed?
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Marlyne Cooper
Marlyne Cooper Amen!
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead To piggyback on the above comments- I love how you are developing this idea more and more as you refine it by talking about it but what has not yet been addressed in any of this are "manifestations" that do not fall into what Galatians that have anothe...See more
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Cyndi Millett
Cyndi Millett Hope you don't mind my commenting here Chris. The soul and physical flesh can certainly manifest in such ways without a demon being present- fogginess and cloudiness of mind, dizziness can come by strongholds (belief systems not demons present) shiftin...See more
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta I don't think Pete is saying christian believers can't be demon possessed but that if the book of Corinthians Paul only addresses the flesh its because we are missing something. In other words Pete is pointing to something that obviously we didn't see and it kind of make you think. Cheers
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley I experience this too even on a Christion I'm wondering but usually they are just figuring out who they are and the demons are fighting them but once they know who they are and know as a son. They know authority and that stuff is gone usually Wi...See more
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Chris Welch

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David Waite
David Waite Pete, all I can say is that God destroyed the earth with a flood because of the works of the flesh. There is no evidence in Scripture of a Christian being possessed. Christians want to associate the works of the flesh with the demonic which takes the responsibility of them for their behavior.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Some Christians may want to associate the works of the flesh with the demonic to displace responsibility but most do not. Christians are demonized (i.e. they have demons attached to their body and soul) and it is ignorant to automatically dismiss something because it is not thoroughly detailed in any books of the Bible. Talk to someone experienced in deliverance and they will probably detail it's reality to you. I have seen demonization is many people and even friends who were clearly born again Christians but had made opportunity for demons to attach to them. For example, a strong Christian friend of mine from Bible college was an mk and manifested demons that attached to him on the mission field through an "open door." It took over an hour of intense deliverance until they finally left him.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley It's not totally black and white....that's why Jesus says cast out demons...use your decernment.a had an innocent person with demons from being molested...that was not their fault or responsibility this is however my responsibility to do what Jesus did....too many people concerned with what people deserve...the truth is if you see someone on the same mountain as you climbing up but you see vultures pulling them down....and you have a gun you take the vultures free your brother Wich is a part of your own body. Be like simple.
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David Waite
David Waite Joy Sturley so if a so called Christian who is the Temple of God, Jesus lives in their heart and the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in them, you believe they can be possessed? This new creation in Christ whom the Son Set free is free indeed. So give me Scripture where this happened if you are talking Biblical truth.
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David Waite
David Waite Todd Tyszka please give Biblical evidence for your premise? Paul didn't bring in the deliverence team for the Corinthians so where in Scripture is evidence.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley No I don't think that but I think if demons have had a door open know or unknown they can manifest on there way out leading to full freedom...and they can attack and manifest this doesn't mean somebody is fully possessed...this however should not happen at all when you are a like you said sold out...but saying and doing Christianity are two different animals...
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley Are we following Paul or Jesus?
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley I don't get confused or over analyse stuff..the mind is at Emity...I'm not concerned with convincing people of things I just hang out with Jesus .
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley You have already given yourself enough scriptures
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Dan Jones
Dan Jones Yes.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka David, everything isn't in Scripture and we don't know little about how Jesus and the disciples ministered. However, I know ministry and the reality of Christian demonization.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka David, demonization isn't possession but it's very real, you need to participate in some deliverance to understand what we mean.
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David Waite
David Waite Todd Tyszka Everything isn't scripture. WOW so Jesus who is the Way the Truth and the Life and is the essence of the word is not the foundation of who we are to be do and act like (sons of God John1:12) to grow up into Him in all things Eph 4:15. So, ...See more
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Chris Welch

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Charity Liane
Charity Liane I know a sister in Christ who manifested the spirit of Jezebel in a restaurant. You can see it in the eyes. I got up & went to the restroom, bound it & came back & the manifestation was gone.
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Roy Van Rijn
Roy Van Rijn Look it up in the Greek. Look at all instance where the word oppressed is used, and where the word possessed is used. It's the same word in Greek.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Pete, Christians can ABSOLUTELY have demons manifesting without it being the flesh. Demons can be attached to our soul and/or flesh. Next time one manifests, why don't you talk to it, command it to tell you how it entered and how it has authority to stay. Then you can actually help these people rather than send them away bound and tormented like most people do because "it's not in the Bible." Jesus spoke to demons and even the Devil himself, so it is Biblical and practical, as well as experientially prudent. We are complex creations and need deep deliverance when possible.
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I see what you are saying but I don't see any benefit in talking to them since they are liars. I don't see Jesus talking to them other than to say "leave." When he was with the man at the tombs I believe it was his compassion asking the man what his name was and the demon answered with a lie.
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Amar Patil
Amar Patil Well said I agree 100 percent with pete. I have often said that pastors can have demons.
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Amar Patil
Amar Patil demons r subject to us in Jesus name so v can always command them to speak the truth.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Chris, if you command them to tell the truth, they usually do. To my knowledge, I haven't seen otherwise. Keep in mind you are asking how they entered and what gives them the right to stay. These details can usually be confirmed by the subject or people with them. You also need to know how many, who is the leader, what all they are doing to the body (sickness) and soul so they can be completely delivered... Do you want these people completely delivered and free or not? If you have time to do more, you should.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Amar, they can.
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Chris Welch

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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Outer court (Body)
Inner court (Soul that is mind, will and emotions)
Holy of Holis (Spirit)

Once your born again the holy spirit comes into the holy of Holis and dwells, since that which is born of flesh is flesh, but that which is born of spirit is spirit.

So demons cannot enter into the holy of Holis of a person who's born again.

But demons can oppress a person's body or soul (also referred to as demonized, but not demon possessed) , thereby causing the person torment, pain, sickness, battles of the mind, spirits of addiction, perversion, rejection, pride,lust etc etc..

The only instance where a believer can become demon possessed is when they continue to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which continuously reminds and convicts them of truth from error. When a believer refuses this conviction continually and over a period of time, is turn over to a reprobate mind, thereby at that stage, there is no more room for the spirit of God to dwell in the holy of Holis in that person, and the demons that is already tormenting this person's body and soul, crosses over into their spirit man...
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Deliverance is a real....
Jesus gave us power to cast out devils or demons..
To dispossess them, repel them, forbid them, rebuke them, eject them out of people....
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I do think see how it ever crosses over into the spirit of a man. When Paul delivered the unrepentant brother over to the Devil he said that it was so that he would experience destruction in the FLESH so that his SPIRIT would be saved. In the original Holy of Holies NOTHING unclean could enter. The same is still true for the inner court for the SPIRIT in our temple.
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Agreed brother
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Chris Welch

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Nancy Smith-Williams
Nancy Smith-Williams As a born again believer, I had to be brought to the place by God to renounce and evict a demonic stronghold in my life. We can be saved, yet still have strongholds.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh Consider this: who is a "believer" but a Son of God (Gal3:26). That's who we are in Christ. So does the Son of God have a demon? Is He sick? NO!!! So NEITHER IS THIS ONE, because I BELIEVE GOD. Who said a "believer" can have a demon? Who said the Sons will be afflicted? Who told you you were naked? "who" said it, that's who. Stop talking to "who" and talk to Him instead. Listen to "who" and all you get is lies anyway. Its the TRUTH, the Son, that makes you free!! Whatever you're listening to, you gonna be livin' what you believe in. BELIEVE GOD ABOUT YOU, not "who." This is what "believers" need to be hearing and saying, rather than basing our understanding on our experiences in this fallen reality.
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David Light
David Light I do remember the who, 😂
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh Miss you D
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Chris Welch

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Kathryn Daniel
Kathryn Daniel Don't demons prey on the flesh? I'm not saying your wrong, but I've personally seen spirits and I'm not 'positive' whether they were people or demons, but I have seen them. Not a shadow, not a hallucination, like a full body with facial features spirit, so... I believe they are definitely still here and plus once someone told me maybe I was being attacked by one and at first I was offended, but then I commanded it to leave and it's like I just felt back to normal. Anyways, not saying your wrong, this is just my understanding. Jesus cast them out and said He gave us authority over them, so I would think we still have authority over them, but I'd like to learn more about it.
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy Get out of the flesh. The spirit is completely saved. However continue to renew your mind.
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto What about when you encounter a healing in a believer and then the pain moves?? Isn't that a Spirit of infirmity? I know it's in the fleshly or soul arena. I get that the Spirit can't be touched. I've seen many demonic spirits that have been either the...See more
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy No such thing as a spirit of Jezebel. Smile.
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto Actually, it's the character of Jezebel... That's why it's called that.
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Chris Welch

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Pete Cabrera Jr
Pete Cabrera Jr This is an awesome subject.. let's edify and dig into the word great discussion !!
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto Thanks Pete!! 😄
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I would actually love to see a Facebook live, round-table discussion of many people with differing opinions/experiences with the Word and hash it out that way. That way we can we can all see the process of working through finding the truth in this area.
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Chris Welch

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Brad J. Penner
Brad J. Penner Chris Whitehead people get what they believe and demons are more than happy to oblige the lie being believed. When we manifest Sonship and authority, and then teach people to stay in the Spirit (In Christ)... those types of manifestations cease. I've lived both sides of that experience bro
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Chris Whitehead replied · 1 Reply
Michele Kelly
Michele Kelly The flesh is the character of the demonic.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley The simple answer is no matter what know who you are and don't complicate things with your brain remain engaged. With the Holy Spirit.....He is ur teacher....demons are not that a big of deal they have to listen to you even if they are in a piG
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David White
David White How about before the born again experience a demon causes it but after the born again experience you need to break the habit with the help of the Holy Spirit. Crucifying the flesh (carrying the cross) follows being born again in my opinion. After you a...See more
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James Wrench
James Wrench . I had a speech problem my whole life. In 2002 a lady cast that spirit out of me and I was instantly talking normal. I was filled with the spirit for 12 years before that and had seen God heal hundreds of people instantly. I started casting spirits out of others. I spent about 2 years doing a lot of fasting and praying for God to teach me about spirits. Since that time Ive probably cast thousands out of people but I dont cast spirits out of nonbelievers because theirs nothing to keep it from coming back. Sometimes churches have me come in and teach and then I do deliverance over the whole body. Theirs usually a lot of people that get delivered of diseases because disease is caused by spirits of infirmity. Its sin that allows them in. Any place you give to the devil, he will take. For instance the Bible says forgive everyone and if you do not then your father wont forgive you. So if a believer has unforgiveness then he lets a spirit of bitterness in. After God taught me for a few years he gave me the gift of discerning of spirits. When you deliver someone the first thing you need to do is find out why its there and have them repent. Except Epilepsy. Epilepsy doesnt seem to be tied to any sin but they need to forgive everyone.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh So were Jesus and the apostles in error for casting demons out of unsaved unbelievers?? Are there some chapters missing from the Bible regarding deliverance for believers? Maybe it's OUR understanding, doctrines and practices that are in error?? Just a thought. 😇
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James Wrench
James Wrench Gabriel Salameh If the house isnt filled they come back with 7 more according to scripture. If there not going to accept Christ then what do you think your going to fill them with that will keep spirits out? In the beginning I cast them out of nonbelie...See more
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman Hay bro
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman Where do you see in the Bible a demo being cast out of a born again believer?
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman I think you were quoting Matthew 6:14&15 regarding forgivenes and unforgivness​. Would you agree Jesus was speaking to the disciples pre resure so they were not born again living spirits but still carnal and under the law of the old Covenant so Jesus t...See more
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy We've prayed for thousands of folks and only came across one lady who was demonized. The rest we got delivered simply thru the word of God.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh It's clear that unbelievers are under the influence of the demonic- spirit, soul & body. Of course we bring the Gospel and get them born again. I don't ask them to "accept" Jesus; Holy Ghost convinces them through the message preached. But the issue ra...See more
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Chris Welch

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Heleen Enslin
Heleen Enslin A Born Again Child of God is complete IN Christ. Holy & blameless & righteous for once and for all in ur spirit. The only place that need change is ur mind.
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Heleen Enslin
Heleen Enslin Renew ur mind with God's TRUTH.
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Rose Rito
Rose Rito 1 Corinthians 15:1,2 "IF"
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Tonyachildofgod Woods
Tonyachildofgod Woods Amen
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Robert Long
Robert Long Demons can manifest in anyone. Just see what Derek Prince had to say about it. A Demon is a very negative spirit. As opposed to a positive spirit like the spirit of truth. There must be a spirit for every emotion.
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog Spirit for every emotion? Where does it say that in the word, so if I'm sad because my dog died your saying that's spiritual? If so, give me a Break, oh hang on I'm skeptical, spirit? No wonder non believers run for the hills with this sort of stuff being said,
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Robert Long
Robert Long Are you angry?
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Ransome Williams
Ransome Williams Just preach Jesus and Him crucified
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog Robert Long if I am it must be a spirit?
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog I'm not angry at all, I'm jut astounded at this opinion,
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Ransome Williams
Ransome Williams You can preach the best sermon on earth and move no one. You preach Jesus and Him crucified it grips the spirit and heart of mankind
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Robert Long
Robert Long Do you see Angels and Demons. Have you cast them out of someone. There is more to Deliverance than what is in the bible. Seek and ye shall find.
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Chris Welch

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John Traczyk
John Traczyk It says WORKS of the flesh
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James Wrench
James Wrench A neat story on this subject. Kenneth hagin was going out of town with another minister for 3 weeks. When he picked the guy up the guy said just a second I forgot my insulin and went back in his house and got it. Kenneth Hagin said You wont need that while your with me. The guys blood sugar was perfect every morning. He started eating chocolate cake and all kinds of sweets and it never went up. He never had to take a shot. After the guy was back home for a little bit his blood sugar went bad again. He went to Kenneth Hagin and asked him to explain it. Kenneth Hagin said ITS SIMPLE. THAT SPIRIT CANT OPERATE UNDER MY AUTHORITY. As long as you were with me, you were under my authority. Now that your back home Your going to have to use your own authority to deal with it. He got rid of the diabetes but took him almost a year. Theres a faith process in dealing with demons. We cast them out by faith.
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Laura Walck
Laura Walck A Christain with unforgiveness and a bitter heart I believe can cause demonic infirmity to their body. And repentance of it will result in the ability to be healed. But that's not possession.
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Victoria Suarez
Victoria Suarez Rebecca Reb read the question and the feed and let me know what you think.
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KevinAmy Smith
KevinAmy Smith Spot on! People struggle to know the difference between demonic activity vs ornery people - because of this! The flesh! The flesh has a very distinctive demonic "flare", if you will, because Satan is the head of that covenant. See Galatians 4:24.
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Wendy Mixell
Wendy Mixell The works of the flesh if not delt with but given into is to reject the Word and its work, will eventually open one up to demonic stronghold then if not delivered, the flesh can be possessed! Seen it before!
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Wendy Mixell
Wendy Mixell I believe the problem lies within the one who claims salvation! If truly Yahuah is your God then you will submit your flesh to the Spirit!
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Jordan Stippel
Jordan Stippel So basically I'm f**ked....
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Kevin Sluder
Kevin Sluder satan means adversary. devil means slanderer or false accuser. Demons were a myth that the early Jewish culture adopted. They thought that at times, when a person died, their spirit would stay around and haunt people. Crazy stuff! A lot of these belief...See more
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder In the earliest Greek text basically everything was capitalized because they didn't have upper and lowercase letters
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Kevin Sluder
Kevin Sluder Agreed, but what they believed about satan devil and demons are way different than what we do today..
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder Sorry wrote a big reply and it posted that gif. Didn't mean to do that
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder What I was going to say is that I am somewhat familiar with the early church's writing up to around 400 ad. I haven't seen much of anything that was different than what we believe today. Can you be more specific about exactly what writings you are referring to?
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Chris Welch

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Todd Casselberry
Todd Casselberry great word
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Mike Milo
Mike Milo I'm pretty surprised this isn't an open-shut topic.. open the Bible and shut off the carnal mind. Hahaha
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Candice Mohamed
Candice Mohamed The flesh is a manifestation of the nature of satan infused into the old creation man. Once we are born AGAIN, we are born again with the nature of God and can manifest/act out that.
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Johnny Garcia Jr.
Johnny Garcia Jr. What would you say allows them into a person in the first place, whether they are believer or non-believer?
What brings any person to that stage of being demonized?
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Brian Sumner
Brian Sumner Rev 20:2 he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,
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