Friday 21 July 2017

TTAC2 The Truth About Cancer - a Second Live Symposium

"It's been very rewarding to find out that there are kindred spirits here... We're hitting critical mass where we're gonna change medicine, not just in America, but in the world."
- Dr. Patrick Quillin

From: Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Nashville, TN

Dear Cancer Fighter,

Our mission here at TTAC is to educate people, expose the truth, and eradicate cancer from the face of the planet.

We're working every day to bring you the latest science and information you need...

Information you might never hear about otherwise...

Last year's event was profoundly special. The response, the emotion, and the stories of healing were truly overwhelming.
We talk a lot about how to heal your body, detoxify, and get things working properly again. But really, our mission is all about saving lives, plain and simple.

You can read books from renowned experts, watch their documentaries, listen to their interviews and podcasts, but there's no substitute for meeting face to face with them and asking your questions about your personal situation.

And that's why the whole health industry is buzzing about this year's event!

We’re gathering the best of the best -- 40 of the smartest, most innovative health and wellness experts in the world for a special 3-day event in Orlando, FL on October 5-7, 2017.

Dr. Mercola, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Stan Burzynski, Dr. Tony Jimenez, Doug Kaufmann, Cherie "The Juice Lady" Calbom, and so many more... gathered in one place, at one event, for the sole purpose of teaching you how they're eradicating cancer and other top diseases.

It's THE health event of the year.......MORE HERE

It’s called The Truth About Cancer LIVE, and we want YOU there with us!

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