Friday 11 August 2017

See What you think ? II - Further clarifications of the world of "As" by Kay Fairchild

This really merits staring into.......

Kay Fairchild
18 hrs · Fort Wayne, IN, United States ·
As an addendum to my last post about our never being in the first Adam, let us draw Romans 5:12,18-19 into the subject, which records: "Wherefore AS (remember what I said about the word 'as' in the last post? It was 'AS' we were in the first Adam, but always existed in Christ) by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." Again, we have the word 'as' which conveys the idea that it was AS we inherited Adam's sin and death. Now certainly, all mankind believed the lie, had mistaken identity, and therefore experienced death, but as we pointed out in the last post, it was AS we WERE in one (Adam) which we really never were in. It was a Jewish belief that man was conceived in iniquity and born in sin, not God's perception of us. Then verse 18 records: "Therefore AS by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." Another way of saying that is: "To be carnally minded IS death," which brings condemnation. If one believes himself to be in Adam he will certainly live out of a 'sense' of adamic life, and will experience the Romans 7 type of 'up and down' life. But if he will realize that 'what God does NOTHING can be added or taken away from it' according to Ecclesiastes 3:14, and that from our Father's perspective we have never been in the first Adam, then as verse 18 infers 'there will be no condemnation'. Condemnation is a heart/awareness issue rather than a 'being in Adam' reality. The Scripture says that "If our HEART condemns us, God is greater than our heart." When God came to Adam asking: "Adam, where are you?" Adam replied: "I was afraid and ashamed so I hid my SELF." Our true identity has been hidden from ourselves because of a false belief--We have hidden our self from our self, and now we must show the house to the house! Remember, the word 'sat' in Matt. 4:16 where it records that 'the people SAT in darkness'; that word 'sat' means, To seat one's self. We sat ourselves in darkness and obscurity not knowing ourselves perfectly; not because we inherited darkness from Adam's fall, but through the conditioning of our mind and religion. The reason we have sin, sickness, poverty and death in the world today is because of the individual and universal belief of good and evil. The last part of verse 18 uses the word 'shall' which again, is 'exists'. Therefore it infers that by one man's disobedience it was AS THOUGH we were in Adam because we believed we were, while all along we existed in the righteous One--Christ! That was always our Father's perspective concerning all of mankind. However, man believed the 'religious' perspective rather than the Father's perception.
Then verse 19 records: "For AS by one man's disobedience many were made sinners (Where were we alienated and enemies or made sinners? IN OUR MIND according to Col 1:21), so by the obedience of one shall ('Shall' is exists) many or all EXIST as righteous" (Paraphrased). So, in our minds we were conditioned to believe that we were alienated and enemies because of Adam's transgression, while all along we existed in/as Christ.
In order to get our Father's perspective on truth, we must begin to see the 'big picture' rather than taking several isolated verses of Scripture while trying to build a doctrine. There are many truths that convey the reality of our never having been in the first Adam. If we will listen by the Spirit we will hear the love of the Father echoing from within: "WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE NAKED AND VOID OF MY LIFE-- I NEVER TOLD YOU THAT!" Then as you hear from within, He will clothe your awareness with the quickening reality of your eternal identity! This is what Jesus paid such a tremendous price for; to reveal and bring to light the awesome reality of our eternal identity, salvation, redemption and inheritance, and to ask us who told us that we were ever in the first Adam!
These posts are available as youtube presentations and on my facebook page as well. #Kay Fairchild
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82 Gene Chapman, Cathy Rheeder and 80 others
Billy Burris
Billy Burris Thank you, Kay!
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Lynn Spinks
Lynn Spinks thank you! this is soo good. but just as a point of clarification, when the verse uses 'as' and then goes on to say 'even so', doesn't that equate to the same thing? at least grammatically? I am just very cautious about taking in the full context and i...See more
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Lynn Spinks
Lynn Spinks the subject there is the single act 'offense' vs. righteous act....?
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Kay Fairchild
Kay Fairchild "Even so" means: In spite of that or nevertheless. So in spite of the fact that we thought we were in the first Adam and experienced condemnation as a result, nevertheless we were always in Christ.
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Lynn Spinks replied · 2 Replies
Jennifer Vetter-Gunter
Jennifer Vetter-Gunter 😭♥️ I Am a blubbering MESS at this moment..
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Jennifer Vetter-Gunter
Jennifer Vetter-Gunter Christina ♥️
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Christina Monteil Jans
Christina Monteil Jans Jennifer Vetter-Gunter Just read it! I'm overwhelmed!! 😳. Awesome!
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Chris Welch

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Michael Porter
Michael Porter What a great truth and beautiful examination of that truth. You words continue to enlighten and awaken, the Spirit says amen, and I agree. Thank you for sharing
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Carol Anderson
Carol Anderson I see Adam was never in Adam either❤️ He was always in Christ.
And Adam ( mankind ) will always be in CHRIST ❤️
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Kay Fairchild
Kay Fairchild His identity never changed, only in his awareness did he embrace carnality which is death. Romans records that he IS the type or figure of Him who was to come. If his identity changed it would say: Adam WAS the type or figure of He who was to come.
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Carol Anderson
Carol Anderson Amen!!!! I see that for the first time.. he was the type and figure of HE who was to come.. thank you Kay!
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Kay Fairchild
Kay Fairchild Just as the prodigal remained a son of God even though his awareness took him to a place where he wasted his inheritance on riotous living, so Adam remained a son of God as far as identity was concerned.
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Carol Anderson
Carol Anderson Kay Fairchild no separation ❤️
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Chris Welch

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Lori Zwirecki Craine
Lori Zwirecki Craine As it was in the beginning so shall , exist, in the end, it is finished. Some remain on detour, some by pass and live spontaneously in Christ.
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Carol Anderson
Carol Anderson Love that Lori!!!HE sees the end " from" the beginning ❤️
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Chris Welch

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John Parrish
John Parrish Thank you sister k
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Jimmie Donald Lewis
Jimmie Donald Lewis AS He is So are we, even As just as So are we.
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Douglas Thompson
Douglas Thompson I was just talking to HIM about this! Awesome
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Christina Monteil Jans
Christina Monteil Jans This is awesome! What a revelation and confirmation! Took my breath away; rather I mean breath giving and refreshing!! 😃 Overwhelming tears! 😭
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David King
David King Lee O'Hare
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Lee O'Hare replied · 1 Reply
David Williams
David Williams Love it!
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Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith This whole message is wonderful Kay - The fact that we never were in Adam is fairly new to me, & is an overflow of JOY! Glory! Thank & bless you!
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Annette Hatfield Trent
Annette Hatfield Trent Dont know why someone posted angry face icon...truth is nothing to get mad over 😊
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Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith Annette , he is someone I know, & think he accidentally clicked the wrong button. Lol 😂
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Annette Hatfield Trent
Annette Hatfield Trent Carolyn Smith lol that happens . The darn icons are so tiny
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Chris Welch

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Victoria Blanco
Victoria Blanco So refreshing!!!! Thank you kay!!!!
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Andre Chaisson
Andre Chaisson Amen ! We have to go back to the beginning !
We were chosen "in" Him before ; "before" the foundation of the world ! ( "before" Adam) !!!
Jesus said : " ...I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end !!! (Rev 22:13)...See more
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Joan Mayes
Joan Mayes So glad Kay I am now listen to a counselor that speaks the truth concerning our Heavenly Father!!
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Mike G. Ward
Mike G. Ward Kay, that was the most informative definition of being in Adam and not being in Adam that I have ever heard I think it was marvelous and all scripture based thank you so much I enjoy reading you God bless you
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Gary Sigler
Gary Sigler Wonderful Kay
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Cecil Cockerham
Cecil Cockerham AWESOME, Kay!!! Doc Cecil "Your friend for life"
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Michele Martini
Michele Martini "I was afraid and ashamed so I hid my SELF." -WOW!!! Powerful!!! Love this teaching!!!❤ Thank u, Kay!!
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John Ellis
John Ellis Thank You for sharing another really good one Kay.
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Jody Sink
Jody Sink Yes and Amen!
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Tracy Gale
Tracy Gale Corrie Lee Drankowsky
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Leonard Gregory
Leonard Gregory ❤
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