Wednesday 25 October 2017

Justin Bieber and Pussycat Doll speak out about Hollywood

Chris Welch writer of this blog writes:We have been challenged by this online information for several years. How on earth to get it sounded abroad.These are fellow Facebookers, Fran Vestal posted it too
Fran E. Vestal
4 hrs · Collin, TX, United States ·
"This is the evil which must be stopped.
"Justin Bieber told hundreds of people at a Bible study class in Los Angeles that he has “woken up” to the “evils of the music industry” and he needs to take a break from the industry because it is “controlled by the absolute worst kind of people – pedophiles.”
Bieber said he was encouraged to sexually abuse a young child who had been bought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite. “I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. They said this kid was drugged, it was horrible,” Bieber said, explaining that it was made clear to him that he would gain entry to the “business side of the industry” if he “joined the club” by passing the initiation rites.
“I wouldn’t just be a performer, I’d be a mogul. That path would open up for me, like it did for Jay-Z.”
“It’s the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire.”
“To join the club I’d have to do bad things to this poor kid. But then I realized that even that wasn’t enough fDaviem. I’d also have to kill this little child. I got told they secretly film these parties. Once they’ve got you on video doing something like that, they own you.”
"They said this kid was raped by a few different guys. They said he was bleeding. I got out of there but I heard he died and that haunts me.”
Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood have both gone on record exposing the pedophilia at the heart of Hollywood.
Elijah Wood stated "innocent young lives are destroyed to satisfy 'people with parasitic interests' who “see you as their prey.” In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood dropped a series of bombshells about the pedophiles that run the industry, noting that “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized.”
In recent months Nicole Kidman and Lindsay Lohan also spoke out about pedophilia in Hollywood. Close friends of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington claim the recently deceased pair were working on exposing the pedophile ring working at the heart of the music industry – and it cost them their lives.
Now Kaya Jones, a former member of the hit-making Pussycat Dolls, has taken to Twitter to expose that the members of her girl group were literally used as prostitutes, pimped out by record industry executives, forced to perform sexual favors for the elite, and threatened with death if they disobeyed or spoke out. “My truth. I wasn’t in a girl group. I was in a prostitution ring. Oh & we happened to sing & be famous. While everyone who owned us made the $,” she began by writing to her fans.""
Copied from fb user


Recently, Justin Bieber was all over the news for abruptly cancelling the rest of his "Purpose" world tour.

While his fans and media were angry at him, he never stated a reason for his decision publically - and now, it seems like we finally know the real reason.

In the last few months, Justin had become a more active Christian and a regular member of a bible study in Beverly Hills.
Last week, he then shared a horrific story with the other bible study members, explaining why he felt that he had to quit his tour and take a break from the music industry.
He was attending a party with many other producers, power agents, and different important figures in the music industry.

A young boy had been brought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite, and he was encouraged to sexually abuse it.

“I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. They said this kid was drugged, it was horrible,” Bieber said, explaining that it was made clear to him that he would gain entry to the 'business side of the industry' if he 'joined the club' by passing the initiation rites.
"I wouldn’t just be a performer, I’d be a mogul. That path would open up for me, like it did for Jay-Z.
It’s the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire."

As shocking as these details are, they really show the dark side of the music industry.

Justin was encouraged to take his career to the next level and 'join the club', just like Jay-Z and many others.
Although he had heard rumours about these kinds of rituals in the industry, Justin stated that he hadn't been confronted with it before on a personal level.

“To join the club I’d have to do bad things to this poor kid. But then I realized that even that wasn’t enough for them. I’d also have to kill this little child. They said this kid was raped by a few different guys. They said he was bleeding. I got out of there but I heard he died and that haunts me.”

Several other sources have confirmed similar pedophile rituals.

When you look up the "Bohemian Grove Club" in L.A. which Alex Jones actually uncovered several years ago, you will find a lot more information about these rituals.

They drug young children and bring them to parties, then asking celebrities to abuse them sexually.

If the person asked to abuse the child doesn't agree, he gets threatened with his own life.
But then if they do agree, the whole act gets filmed - and that's how they get you.
Having a celebrity committing a crime like this on video is putting a huge pressure on them, and they can then be blackmailed for the rest of their lives.

These poor children are drugged and then not only raped, but later on also killed under shocking circumstances.

They are purposely being tortured and experience fear of life so that there's Adrenaline in their blood - which these cannibals then drink to make themselves feel stronger.

Now, it seems like finally more and more Hollywood stars are speaking out about it.
Famous Hollywood Actor Ashton Kutcher has explained in this video how Pizzagate is a real threat, yet his statement never made it to the mainstream media.
Movie Star Elijah Wood has also stated years ago that there was an "organized pedophile mafia" in Hollywood. This was a very brave move because he was essentially risking his career and his life by exposing this.
Although his story was covered even in some mainstream magazines, most people were still disposing his claims as overly dramatic.

The world isn't fair. There's always an elite group of people who have brutally taken control and only care about making profit and reigning the world as they'd like it to.

There's actually a brilliant scientist who has discovered a way to create free electricity - I know him personally. He wanted to file his patent for his invention which could save millions of lives, but he was drugged by this organized "Mafia".
He was purposely infected with a very serious disease that will eventually lead to an early death. And all of that just because they wanted to prevent him from making an innovation public that could change and save millions of lives!

Even Linkin Park Singer Chester Bennington, who recently committed "suicide", might have been killed purposely afterall.

He was also working on uncovering several cases of child trafficking, and wanted to make his findings public.
He had worked on this with his close friend Chris Cornell, who also died of "suicide" earlier this year.
Bennington was a loving father of 6 kids and had bought a new home shortly before his death, so killing himself at this point wouldn't have made much sense.

This may be a difficult topic to digest, but it's important to forward this message to the public as more and more artists in Hollywood are risking their careers and lives to expose this scandal!

This article comes from this website.

Mark Dice says you can subscribe to his website and also donate so he can be funded in his research activities

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