Monday 30 October 2017

Vaughan Jarrold July 14 1949 - Jan 3 2016

Vaughan Jarrold appeared out of nowhere and came and ministered in Emsworth, around the time that Ruth Heflin also visited. But then, shortly after I left Emsworth  Vaughan used to come over for meetings in  the Chesham Light House fellowship , the next town to Amersham Bucks England.
It was here also he prophesied over me.  Converted only on 1978 he had matured rapidly just be seeking hard after God and being prepared to gowith his wife anywhere where people had light . His travels took him to Yongghi Ch's church Korea, and it was there that he was impressed by the dynamic of seeking and waiting upon God, experiencing Prayer Mountain. Anyone who heard him knew he had fire in his bones. he was used to establish a training work not too dissimiar from Emsworth but in Upstate New York. He used to spend half the week evangelising in New York and the other half ministering in Up state New York....judging by the obituary I guess it was near Kingston. My friends Ron and Pam Knight went there and while they were there Andy Elmes was also training there. Andrew Elmes now runs a church in Portsmouth UK.
I have no details about Vaughan's death but these are the obituary comments.
Obituary Comments Online
A group from Our Lady of Hope, Newburgh, N. Y., went to Lexington, Catskills, N. Y. in early 1980's for a spiritual day of revival with
Vaughn Jarrold. An unforgettable day of sharing, not only spiritually but in tables of food, a banquet for all, no charge at any time. Wish that this Godly man could have remained in our lives from that time, but I never saw him again, sadly, no word, until I just googled his name and saw the obituary. God works in incredible ways that He put this man in my mind, a few months after his passing. Few people have made such an impression spiritually on so many as Vaughn Jarrold. May he continue to intercede for our troubled world, and much love for Wendy and their family from all of us who were so richly blessed that day at Lexington.

Posted by: Jane Battle - Beacon (Fishkill), NY May 13, 2016
Thank you Vaughan! In the late '80s, though you were only 6 years my senior, I followed you around like a pup. I was hungry and you fed me the bread of life, of which I am so thankful. When you and your family were about to depart Calvary Pentecostal Campground, I sadly embraced you. It was then your discernment spoke and reminded me, "Remember! It is not Elijah...It is the GOD of Elijah." That statement buffers my grief today

'Til we meet again my brother!

Posted by: A friend Feb 07, 2016
Vaughn's birth was a wonderful gift of our Heavenly Father to the world. His heart was for Christ and His Kingdom. What an example of an Overcomer! Shalom, Pastor Jay Francis

Posted by: Pastor Jay Francis - Berne, NY Jan 18, 2016
I will always remember the story you told about being hungry on a park bench and praying and asking the Lord for something to eat... You then looked under the bench and there was a brown bag with breakfast in it just sitting there. GOD IS FAITHFUL!! Thank you for imparting wisdom and the Spirit of God to me and to your congregation. See you again one day! Bart Moran

Posted by: Bart Moran - West Hampton Beach, NY Jan 08, 2016
To Wendy, Alice, Paul, Daniel, Sarah, Grace, and family......
I'm sure no words can really express the loss you all feel at this time. You all have many, many wonderful memories, photos, sermons preached, and most of all the deep love Vaughan had for you all. I remember him saying how, when each child was born, he didn't know how he could have enough love for the new child, but God just enlarged his heart and filled it up to include him or her. I know God did that to include thousands and thousands of spiritual children, too. Be comforted in knowing he is with the Father, Who IS LOVE....and Vaughan lived and preached that. I thank God for the memories I have of him and the impact he had on my own life. I love you all and am praying for you.

Posted by: Elaine Clemmons - Saratoga, NC Jan 08, 2016
With great sadness I write to all the Jarrold family and Vaughan's church and friends worldwide. I am a grateful Mother who has been blessed by Vaughan's life, his joy and his fatherly love he showed toward my children, son-in-laws and grandchildren. He has helped many members of my family come to a better place and a closer walk with our Lord. I am very grateful for his diligence to not grow weary in well doing and keep those God placed in his life...close to his heart and ever in his prayers. Cheryl Lowman

Posted by: Cheryl Lowman - Barkhamsted, CT Jan 08, 2016
With much love and fond memories- the Larmon family

Posted by: Larmon - Jacksonville, FL Jan 08, 2016
Dear Wendy and family
With sadness we heard the news of Vaughans departure from earth.We think with fond memories the challenges he put before us . Thank you that you shared your lives which shaped and changed so many.
May the peace of GOD our Father be with you and your children and grandchildren as you walk with Him through this time.
Your brother and sister in Christ
Guy and Rosemary Hogg
South Africa

Posted by: A friend Jan 08, 2016
Thank you, Vaughan, for showing thousands of us how to do more for the Kingdom of God, than we ever could have imagined. You saw God's gifting in so many of us and you pushed us and even provided us with opportunities to go and do things we might have only otherwise dreamed about.
There are multiple thousands of people all over the world that know Jesus because you went to tell them. There are also countless people all over the world telling others about Jesus because you helped send them.
Thank you to Wendy, an amazing wife, and to all of his children, Paul, Daniel, Alice, Sarah and Grace and all the grandchildren. You shared him with us and the world! May the peace of God comfort all of you.

Posted by: Alice Wilson - Port St Lucie, FL Jan 08, 2016
Vaughan will be missed by hundreds, thousands of people here on earth. He was a mover and a shaker, accomplishing more for the kingdom of God than most of us ever dream about. I know I can say, as will many others....he pushed me to do things that I would never have done, He made opportunities for me and countless others to actually go and do what he saw in us. There are people all over the world that know Jesus because he went there to tell them, there are people all over the world telling others about Jesus because he helped to send them there. Thank you Vaughan.
Thank you also to his wife, Wendy, for sharing your husband, and Alice, Sarah, Grace, Paul and Daniel for sharing your father with us and the world. May the peace of God, that transcends all of our understanding, comfort all of you.

Posted by: A friend Jan 08, 2016

Sending love to you dear Wendy, family and friends from over the seas. What an amazing legacy left on this earth! My life was deeply impacted sitting under Vaughns teaching in the 80's at the ZPM School in Lexington and subsequently-never the same again.
Will be thinking of you all today, thanking God too for the life of this wonderful man. A true Father, his company will be sorely missed.

Love From Lissa Painter X

Salisbury UK

Posted by: A friend Jan 08, 2016

Our hearts grieve together with all the Jarrold family in sorrowful hope.

Steve, Marietjie and the Chase family

Posted by: Steve Chase - Greenfield, MA Jan 08, 2016

After spending many hours together with your husband and father in prayer in Jerusalem, Israel, I can say he is a genuine man after God's heart. His love of all peoples of this earth was a gift from the Father.

May you each find comfort knowing he was a vessel fully poured forth.

With love and peace to all,

Trinda Rensen
Jerusalem, 1982-1987

Posted by: Trinda Rensen - St. Catharines, Ontario Jan 07, 2016

Sorry for your lose. May God comfort each of you there family and friends
Losing a loved one is never easy.
Keep looking up soon very soon we will be in the presence of God with those who have gone before us.
God bless you all.

Posted by: Diane Reynolds - Kville, NC Jan 07, 2016
It was a blessing to have met Vaughn many years ago at Calvary Pentecostal Campground. He was a true servant of God with a passion for souls and making disciples among the nations. My thoughts and prayers go out to Wendy and the family.

Posted by: MichaEl Hirsch - Fredericksburg, VA Jan 07, 2016
My deepest condolences to the entire Jarrold family.

Posted by: Linda Scevola - Highland, NY Jan 07, 2016
To a man I only met a few times but a man that left a huge impression on me a man of God he will be hugely missed but we all know where he is and that's the most important thing rest in peace Pastor Vaughn and we all shall meet you on the other side where you'll be waiting for us ! I'm so sorry for his family they will miss him dearly !

Posted by: Gladys Vaughn - La Vernia, TX Jan 07, 2016

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