Friday 22 December 2017

The Huge Craziness of God's Wonderful Plan

Can any of you grasp the hugeness of what God is really up to?
Superimpose these sorts of ideas together in a giant piggyback.
The Heavenly Tabernacle
Psalm 19 day to day pours forth speech though actual leftbrain articulation is not itself heard ie it’s spoken direct to our depths
Ezekiel 47 and the ever deepening River
The leaven of the Kingdom shall fill the whole earth
And mash all those in with a good coating the parable of the vineyard and how the people waiting inline in the square joined at the very point that the Kingdom vineyard had reached and got instantly paid as much as those labouring all day.

So what do you end up with?
Well you then realise why the Gentiles hitched a ride where the very Light level had reached in the earth and hopped on the bus at Pentecost, or in Heavenly Tabernacle terms the holy place. They didn’t then go through thousands of years of Jews in the outer courts again.
Now it’s true that the Catholic Church proceeded to then wind everything back to an Old Covenant scheme again with priests and hierarchies.... but they came way later... and don’t as a rule obey anything written in the gospel of JOHN about worshipping in spirit and truth.... they are what they are.... Catholics.
But all the real genuine God moves who obeyed JOHN chapter 3 and following the Spirit of God, the tide has been rising.
So as the leaven fills the earth, the very resistance of Satan is actually and embarrassingly for him, the leverage that catapults the new people of God yet higher.
We saw this with the “ giants in the Land of Canaan” Humanly you wouldn’t build earths only “ true God project” in the one part of the world still inhabited by giants and enemy offspring.
Satan then tried to kill off the worlds only Saviour and was successful. Except God had preplanned it all that way to be the Lamb that took away the sin of the world.
Now when the rest of the earth came to the Lord they leapt in at this new anointed priesthood level....
We are a nation of kings and priests.

The very same leverage is being applied right now in the worlds ever biggest resistance movement against the Lord and His anointed see psalm 2 and Isaiah 60.

Why is the rise of Antichrist at this global level so significant ?

Because unlike the disastrously low level of faith in America such that they are only believing for people to squeak home into a rapture...

The real purpose of God like a tube of toothpaste, is for all these current labourings in the earth to squeeze out a people who find God in this new glory level, the third level, the holiest place level.....
Where the glory of the latter house far far supersedes anything before it.

And you can see even now this is not too big a thing for the Holy Spirit.
Reproducing Galatians 2.20 in every Body member who are now brought into the Kingdom at this Light level,
Produces a holiest place people
Who are stacked out with the three forms Word takes
Life and living..... the tablets
The "now Rhema Light of God" or manna in which all now walk together
But three..... the almond stick

Not one Moses this time, but a Moses people commanding the heavens and the earth to loose the Dragon off our planet completely and forever...

And all this mercy seat imagery covered directly by one massive Shekinah glory cloud anointing.

Jews rejected Jesus and He just continued anyway .... bringing in more Gentiles.

Well now the Jews and the Gentile Churches reject Jesus as He is now, so He is just throwing the gospel out to the last very reaches of the whole earth, but this time in the form of
Not a firstlevel forgiveness gospel
Not even a secondlevel Holy Spirit Infilling affair where people can end up with a flask of anointing oil yes, but remain foolish virgins.

No God is using Satan’s leverage to catapult a whole new people in at the level of full harvest
Filled with Christ in our forms as us

Where Jesus says to His people
Not only do you move in power


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