Sunday 28 January 2018

Andy Harrington Finding the Control Panel

Andy Harrington sent me this about his upcoming boot camp in February. Andy has come into various inner understandings through entrepreneurialism. In an advert by Him this morning he describes the function of the brain in three sections, which is obviously now the teaching that is out there:

The so called 7 million year old reptilean brain, the monkey brain and the amygdala. Something like that.

Anyhow one thing is for certain we clearly aren’t going back to the two dimensional world of the Enlightenment even if the world system is going to be forced to acknowledge the functions we recognise in the spiritual realm but they append a fancy new phrase called amygdala . Take a read and see what you think. I’ll carry on further down.

Chris I recently tweaked THE personal development process I go through every
year - and it blew my mind.

It increased my income from £2,000,000 to £7,000,000 and made me a Sunday

Times best selling author AND when you register for a FREE place at Power to Achieve

I’m going to take you through the process personally.

I thought I was too young, too small, not clever enough, rubbish with money, unpopular,

a misfit, unlovable, stupid and an a***hole. Just some of the s**t going around in my head

since I was 13.

At age 15 I left home and accepted low skilled, low paid work in a supermarket earning

£10,000 per year. I was bored, addicted to drugs, skipping work pretending to be ill.

Fast forward today I run a business with a revenue of £7,000,000 a year, I own a

£1,000,000+ home. I married the women of my dreams, I have 6 amazing kids,

I holiday every six weeks (I’m writing this from Dubai) I’m super fit and healthy. I

have an incredible team of people around me, I don’t go to my office and I only do

the work I love and that I’m good at…!

My story shouldn’t have turned out so well. So HOW did it happen?

My breakthrough came in 1998 when I discovered an old technique that helped me

clear out the s**t I was carrying around with me AND reclaim that little boy I left

behind, with all his hopes, dreams and ambitions. Without him I was lost, without

him I was empty, without HIM I didn’t know who the f**k I was…!

It changed my life in a way that is hard to describe in words. Every year since I have

refined this process but recently I made a tweak of my own that blew my mind…!

This tweak turned me into a Sunday Times bestseller, and jumped my income by over

5 million a year…! I now call it THE RE-PATTERINING PROCESS and it takes 4 dedicated

hours to go through - and once you have, your life will never be the same again.

So let’s go through it together - here’s what you need to do.

Register for FREE for my Power to Achieve Weekend Event 10-12 February at the IBIS Earls Court
Attend The Breakthrough Day (Day 1) Attend The Discovery Day (Day 2) Attend The Transformation Day (Day 3)
Experience the Re-Patterning Process during the final day (Day 3)
Check out Andy's Wikipedia page and 10 minute talk

Please feel free to try Andy out.

But here are my thoughts.

On a separate subject: universalism

Around 6 years ago Nancy Gilmore asked me what I thought of the huge tumultuous rise in Universalist Christian thinking?

I replied what was in my heart which was that I wondered if this was a psalm 24 generation thing. Jews hadn’t responded. Most of the church doesn’t really go the Way, to the Truth and finding life within them so maybe this is all part of God throwing open the doors to a whole new Jacob generation of “ outsiders” who ofcourse were never Gods outsiders anyway.

But whatever shape or form universalism takes


You may, like Jacob and his speckled and striped sheep get so far,..... then flee by night but you still meet an angel at Peniel.

Andy Harrington clearly has tapped something extraordinary, and I am convinced many other entrepreneurs are doing so today....

But sooner or later , however familiar you get with your authentic inner child self, as you work this outwardly into your family and work life you have to nail what this identity is and how humans operate which is the territory of “ Yes I Am” by Norman Grubb.

All of life is consciousness..... etc.

Both of  our separate Jacob Songs can be heard on this post

Suzanne Vega on stage, Chris Welch at the time cleaning loos in Bosham Inn

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