Sunday 28 January 2018

Why Reformation Talk is simply underestimating the huge thing God is actually doing

I am not saying John Noe and Lance Wallnau, and three decades before them Gerald Coates and Fulness Magazine are wrong in saying that what we need is NOT revival but a REFORMATION.
John Noe writes a book on it describing just how big the Lutheran and Protestant Reformation is.
Thirdlevel Christianity IS that REFORMATION.
But it;s bigger still.
It is the promised restoration of all things.
It is the Psalm 24 MASTER KEY in the lock
IT IS the greater glory of the latter House but without any of the former infestation of religion.
ACTS 2 was great, but it was still in a context of religion.
It broke free, and St Paul and St Peter (eventually) were no small part in that.....but in the grand grand outworking it was only the Feast of Pentecost.

God is rolling out a Tabernacles that is so big, John Noe thinks I am nuts.
Pentecost was in Jerusalem as was the Passover Jesus participated in, involving His own Body at Golgotha.

Well if you sow a Divine Seed in a Passover and Pentecost context what are you going to harvest?

YUP. The whole earth !!!!
Not understanding Union John Noe and Lance Wallnau are just tinkering with outer forms, all the seven big mountains of influence, currently totally overrun by the secular plans of Psalm 2, and Freemasonry.

God doesnt tinker at this level. He recreates ONE NEW MATURE MAN according to Ephesians....
or as Jesus put it
The Son of Man appearing like lightning across the earth.
And how can that be?
Every individual accepting being born again
Every individual accepting the message of being baptised in the Holy Spirit and taking up the Romans 6 confession of faith
Every individual believing ON Galatians 2.20 until it becomes consciousness
No one has seen a church like it?
No one has seen it happen in all the earth and every nation.
But this is behind God's GLORY or THIRDLEVEL statement
"As truly as I LIVE all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea."

How do we get there? Facing doubts full on. Gaining experiential faith and knowledge of God
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2 Cecilia Tacuboy Urian and Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz Amen!
Like · Reply · 22h
Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz We are being transformed into the very image of Christ from the inside out. Where else could those ancient gates & paths be but in our minds, will & emotions, in other words, in our souls. When we believe on Jesus & He comes to live in us our spirits a...See more
Like · Reply · 22h
John Noe
John Noe Please well define what you think "Third level Christianity" is. Thank you.
Like · Reply · 17h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch John third level is when the second level becomes us. We walk Jesus Christ as us knowing there is no such thing as a John Noe with a little bit of Jesus rattling around somewhere. None of that dual false consciousness remains.....The whole phony Genesi...See more
Like · Reply · 9h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I don't know if Morris Cerullos generation will ever truly see this stuff, but the equivalent, if you have watched him and Kenneth Hagin is when they changed from racing around frenetically to doing seemingly very little. Morris started to speak of him...See more
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Hide 37 Replies
John Noe
John Noe That's not a definition. You are simply rambling on in a muddied fashion So where does muddled writing come from? It comes from muddy thinking. My advice, if you care to receive it is: you need better clarify and present your definition of your so-called "Third level Christianity" if you want people to take you seriously.
Like · Reply · 7h · Edited
Chris Welch
Chris Welch John one day you thought asking Jesus into your heart was stupid and muddied thinking.
One day you thought being baptised in the Spirit was ludicrous.
Then you experienced both.
Like · Reply · 2h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch You want a Tree of Knowledge life when Jesus only speaks out of the Tree of Life.
Like · Reply · 2h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch You want a Christianity of morals and dogma and Law and Judaism and the Old Covenant that you can easily transplant and by it prove to yourself that you are an apostle. But actually you just need Jesus.
Like · Reply · 2h
John Noe
John Noe You're rambling again.
Like · Reply · 1h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch John one day you thought asking Jesus into your heart was stupid and muddied thinking.
One day you thought being baptised in the Spirit was ludicrous.
Then you experienced both.
Like · Reply · 30m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- How do you know any of this?
Like · Reply · 29m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Because unborn again people do not get the meaning of salvation.
Like · Reply · 29m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- What's that supposed to mean?
Like · Reply · 28m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch we cannot "get"or "understand " or "perceive " what we havent experienced spiritually
Like · Reply · 27m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- Oh? So what?
Like · Reply · 27m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch everybody who isnt born again accuses born again people of having muddled thinking.
Like · Reply · 27m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- That's another example of your "muddled thinking" -- IMO.
Like · Reply · 26m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch everybody who hasnt experienced baptism in the Spirit says the same about Spirit filled people. Only this time they have to pull more straws out of the bag because the atmosphere of joy and emotion cant be denied so they put a sense evaluation to it....

like in Acts 2....oh they are drunk....
which was a bit daft at 9am in the morning.
Like · Reply · 24m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch There is nothing muddled or undefined about spirit. The only thing the poor little leftfrontal cortex can't handle is you cant measure it with 5 senses or a ruler or some kind of meter..
Like · Reply · 22m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- Since you have introduced that rabbit trail into this posting conversation, I still I've any idea what your so-called "Third level Christianity" is all about ???
Like · Reply · 22m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch My socalled thirdlevel is the same as Paul or Jesus or St John.
Or David in Psalm 123.
It's being so locked into seeing what God is doing that in the end you deny, disallow, don't see any other form of duallistic living. Or if you see it you call it out for what it is.

One of the clearest references is when the man said to Jesus "Good Teacher"
and He turned on him to pin him down.
Who are you calling good, there is only one who is good?

The normal thing at that point is to accept a person's flattery, not examine it.
Like · Reply · 15m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe ???
Like · Reply · 13m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch what do you do when you read that passage? Or have you already torn it out?
Like · Reply · 12m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe I didn't read it.
Like · Reply · 11m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch well that's honest. How much else dont you read while deriving a living as a ministry?
Like · Reply · 9m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- lots. Also, how do you think you know whether I derive a living as a ministry or not?
Like · Reply · 8m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch at the very least you are seling a book of Christian knowledge
Like · Reply · 7m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I think you once said you have been an apostle for some 20-30 years
Like · Reply · 7m
John Noe
John Noe So you extrapolate that to mean "deriving a living as a ministry?
Like · Reply · 6m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- Never said any such thing.
Like · Reply · 6m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch yes
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John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- then that's another issue you are in error about.
Like · Reply · 6m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I clearly am confusing another conversation, but your book is your book.
Like · Reply · 5m
John Noe
John Noe You, sir, are ignorant with your unknowing accusations.
Like · Reply · 5m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch As one who was reading your book, I am sure you are not meaning that.
Like · Reply · 4m
John Noe
John Noe Oh, yes, I do mean that.
Like · Reply · 3m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Well to be clear, you are expecting us to read a book about reformation but you dont really perceive anything about what the bible might mean about it.
Like · Reply · 2m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe You've got to be kidding, right?
Like · Reply · 2m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch No. Jesus turning on that man for calling Him Good Teacher is really key to what I have written there.
Like · Reply · 1m
John Noe
John Noe Enough of your rambling and accusatory nonsense. Goodbye.
Like · Reply · 1m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Any resemblance to an encounter between Jesus and other people in the gospels is purely......
well accurate.

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