Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Significant Prophecy Released August 21st 2022


 Prophet Charlie Shamp  on Facebook

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “You are in the midst of a re-definition of the church. Watch for my hand upon fresh movements emphasizing new battle plains for the ecclesia. My church is entering an age of militancy and spiritual confrontation. A new global prayer movement is about to emerge.

” I then saw angels with swords drawn released on assignments to different regions. Written on the swords were the words; spiritual warfare. In their other hand was a bottle of oil containing the warrior anointing mingled with the bridal revelation. I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “These will be days of ‘blood and fire’ so my church must be prepared to war in prayer through intercession. I am sending my winds and ministers of fire to co-labor with the saints as they declare my word into the earth. For those that do not know me it will be a time of great turmoil, a time of blood and fire. For my Bride it will be at time of great triumph, a time of my blood and my fire.”

 "I was then shown a white War Horse and heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “Prepare for the manifestation of ‘wars’ in the natural reaching greater heights in the coming days as well as an increase of warfare in the realm of the Spirit. My bride must stay in a humble position upon her knees to gain ground in the air. Greater clashes of light and darkness are about to come, but I will cause my bride to ride upon the white horse and she will leap over these dark days to the place of victory.” 

 We have entered into a time of increased judgments and the glory of the Lord in the earth. I could see great clashes of light and darkness unlike what we have experienced in the past. The greater glory of the Lord, with His manifested presence, will shine forth. Many will be saved through the outpouring that will come. The seeds have been planted and now prayer will produce the rain to bring a great harvest. Great outbreaks of regional revival will touch across the land. Many will experience God’s manifest hand. Signs and wonders will follow them that believe. The presence of the Lord will cause salvation in the streets. At the same time great natural disasters are about to come in the earth; mudslides, plagues, increase of hurricanes, sizable earthquakes, fires, droughts, and volcanic activity will be felt in various regions like earth has not experienced in the past. I saw America and I heard these words, ‘Mayday,’ ‘May-Day.’ I then heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “For those that call upon my name I will be the Prince of Peace in the eye of the storm.” -Prophet Charlie Shamp

sow into Souls:

My friend's blog - Unless a Seed

 I'm putting a permanent link to  John Steven's blog on the lefthand side of my blog page

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Staging in the positive use of the word

 From my Facebook post  Christmas Day 2024

Some of you know about " staging ".

Really , the Lord's Prayer is the world's ever biggest " Staging of a God event ".
So although I often use the word staging to mean a manipulated fake event like the CIA false flag malarchy, which will go down in the rest of history when they thought they had done it without any traces !!!!
No , just as concert roadies use the word quite objectively , we can talk in the same way about " staging open heaven events " where God moves freely , and the Presence of God is tangible .
Somebody told me he drives up the road from Worthing or somewhere and he knows where a monastery is because he feels it as he drives past .
I assume he knows of a monastery up there , unless he's talking of Roffey and Colin Urquarts place .
We pray for Sunday gatherings .
We pray for outreaches and crusades .
Suzette Hattinghe ran the intercessor team for Reinhard Bonnke . They stood in faith as a storm wind , probably Satanic in origin , came for Shambachs tent that he gave them . The wind went both sides of the tent .
When I was 20 in 1978 I didn't set about " staging an event " in my trip to Northern France , but that's what happened . So it was an early example of simply doing what the Lord tells us to do and no more even though we look absolutely idiotic .
When I did go to France I realised that just being a literal Romans 12.1 avatar in our body members , is as Nancy Gilmore describes, ' being on location for God .'
A similar meme is the Levites taking 6 steps forward then stopping to sacrifice .That's the God moment . And that walk is now how it works in the Spirit . Those that are sensitive pick up the present operation of the Lord and it manifests as Romans 8 says as groans too deep for words . This was our early foray into this walk of God in the 70s .
This was how a whole generation of us did something way too big for any humans ....it's a God thing . We took Christianity from first level Billy Graham born again Christianity into the early forms seen in the gospels. The disciples moved with Jesus in His anointing , but like American Christianity, they all jostled for position and solo ministry , culminating on the last words of a superhero in his own lunchtime " I will never deny you Lord '.
All the charismatics have egg on their faces or worse in their veins .They never researched . They never heard the fourth quartile truthers God was raising up . Premier Christian Radio London now has the deaths of all the people they recommended the vaccines to .....the babies , the youth , all age groups affected by the experimental unproven MRNA drugs .
We look to the Father and only do what we see the Father doing . We take the steps of faith concerning union .John 6, John 15, Galatians 2.20.
We meditate down ....yes into our secret place , but we get born again first in Jesus Blood and we meet specifically with our Father . A Consuming fire ....Lover of our authentic created self , but burner of 6000 years soul connections with the Adamic .
That which He whispers in secret shall be shouted later from the rooftops .
This is how we stage the larger stuff .It's really exactly the same as 1 Corinthians 12 gatherings but over decades , or years or months .
The charismatic movement is passed its sell by date because Book of Ezra and temple rebuilding is moving into Book of Nehemiah ...all of life and City on a hill .
Just like the Milton and Penn Chalfont St Holes house gatherings became " Paradise Lost " Influential book , and William Penn went and formed Pennsylvania ....so a whole generation of us that have lived something of the transformative life of community in Bible Houses know enough rudimentarily about Body homeostasis , and something of how true ecclesia operates in the Spirit in all of life living .
The Word is a mustard seed that takes everybody by surprise .

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Sometimes We Come Across These


What is extraordinary is that they aren't considered top makes like the German brands or Austrian Boesendorfer as was, but every so often in our tuning career we find pianos that wouldn't t be our first choice for restoration , until we play them.

This is gorgeous , warm yet having a good clear  round English tone. This is the work that has been done.

New set Abel natural felt hammers, new Renner damper felts, new backcheck, front and balance rail felt washers, regulated, re-pinned, tuned to concert pitch, comes with 5 year written warranty. George Rogers 5' baby grand gate-legged mahogany case 
Dreamy English rounded warm tone after all the Eastern pianos ."
Contact  Tim  07876 795325

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Good For Late Night Wind Down with Charlie Peacock


Charlie explains his production reasoning and admires the flawless playing and singing of just what is needed in the track

Friday, 13 December 2024

The Multi Pronged Attack to Degrade and Control Humanity

 This will confirm everything you ever thought was odd about what is so evident in front of our eyes.  Click here for the list of video talks in which this one appears. 
You can also become a subscriber on Max Lowen's independent platform unbroken.global

Thursday, 12 December 2024

JBP and Mikaela, what's not to love?

The great Father Daughter relationship
Subject Matter
Breakdown of Canada's nonsense
Upcoming Tour

Description of the new University Course of blistering quality at an affordable price from Professors that are tired with being messed around with by Universities.
Clear thinking at any level. Click here

Monday, 9 December 2024

Franz Kafka


Anybody assessing Franz Kafka's life , like his Dad , would most likely assume he was a waste of space .
He was ofcourse a fourth quartile ...a St John type .
His Dad was so concerned that he was single that he organised a trip to a prostitute .
I felt pretty rock bottom when my Dad asked me if I was gay . The trip to the prostitute didn't go well for Kafka .
And it wouldn't if you are fourth quartile .
The woman doesn't love you . She's providing her body mechanistically like a paper cup .
Matthews Marks and Lukes probably get off on that , but Johns feel every internal perception to the max ....and it's a turn-off .So his Dad was even more convinced that Franz was useless .
Johns go through this feeling of uselessness . Most Lukes go through this on the football field . Marks go through this in public speaking .
I often write about Red Arrows members trying to explain what they do as they go round Tesco's.
The occult have engineered a slavery society to supply themselves , built on artificial pyramids of Matthews Marks and Lukes , and people like Van Gogh or Picasso dwell in dingy dark Garret rooms....except Picasso needed more light than that and Van Gogh went south .
Kafka's importance is that he described the total fake bodged infrastructure we live inside .
His Dad couldn't see what he was doing .
7 billion still can't see what Kafka was doing even though the rich are about to kill us all off .
That's the meaning of the Castle you daft twits .
That's the meaning of Kafkaesque you idiots .
That's the meaning of the Beetle narrative you wasters .
That's the meaning of the artist stuck in a cage with people treating him as a sideshow you nutters .
That's the meaning of the Trial and the Penal Colony.
But it's now too late , because the rubbish bin to take you away is outside your doors .

Friday, 6 December 2024

Gabbi Choong reads Amanda Byer's Survivor's Prayer


This prayer which is an extract only of Gabbi Choong's teaching podcast points the way to the rest of us, as we deal with our inner parts. 

Please Listen to this whole teaching message on the Queen of heaven and about how powerful and deceptive this principality is, trying to vie with God the Holy Spirit Himself.

Monday, 2 December 2024

There's a Whole Lot we don't know Job 38 to 42

For More on Military Investigations Underground find Caleb Jade on Aquarius Rising South Africa


Note: Mistaken reference at one point where I say Ezekiel 38 instead of Job 38 to 42

The Video Ends with Releasing Word over the Church. Chris Welch

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Dangerous Switcheroony


Romans 3 to 5 is a dangerous switcherooney. What you are doing in the Spirit is closely closely related to mid life crisis of the soul...... Or M Scott Peck's Different Drum , moving out of the confines of psychological stage two :socialisation into the next platform , which is the inner quest for the true you .

What happens if you take the hands off the wheel ? There can be a few crashes but another analogy could be the new technique of flying planes by mindpower alone , the reasoning ( no pun intended ) being that we can then power craft at the speed of thought . Christ becoming our real operator , has to be so real , initially He has to be allowed the necessary freedom to BECOME OUR LIFE . The Holy Spirit has to be allowed to create the inner aversions to not doing things or doing things . Otherwise as Colossians states we are forever stuck inside elemental spirits choices of do this or don't do this .

 So yes , it's a bit dangerous , because those inner things you have well hidden have to surface and be corrected by a work of grace on our Insides learning to walk this Christ as us stuff . One phrase Christ used was " become as a little child ". The King-dom The Reign of God is dynamic not inert like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil . Imagine the sterility of a mule . That is the life of works . In respect of service to God ,that really helps to define why Cain's sacrifice was rejected , whereas Abel's sacrifice was accepted .

Abel's was a way of life , being led to shepherd and care for sheep , then being led to prepare and give his best sheep for slaughter . Everything about Abel was entering into how the Father felt about giving up His Only Beloved Son . Abel never sat down and worked this out . He reflexively did the next thing and the next thing ....then out of love for the Lord felt to give of His best sheep .

We took early steps as a Jesus Move relearning 1 Corinthians 12 worship .

Thirdlevel Christianity is crazy because it's believing upon this " next thing " way of living ....believing that Christ the King , is living in you as you . We took early steps as a Jesus Move relearning 1 Corinthians 12 worship . The Holy Spirit would give a song , a reading , a prophecy . Many of the Fisherfolk's songs and Dave Bilbrough 's songs came out of these situations and then became the stuff of songbooks sung across our nation . But neither of them sat down and intended that spin off . Then in the case of the Fisherfolk they moved out of the endless charismatic hamster wheel of ministry moving out from their hub at Yeldall Manor to a Scottish Island for a brief while . Shortly after , Graham Pulkingham's wife , Betty , who I am not sure was born again when they first moved out of middle class suburbs to down town inner city Houston , she writes " Celebrate the Whole of it " beginning to describe the whole of life aspects that become our Colossians 3.3 Romans 12 1-2 Galatians 2.20 experiences .

So you are taking the faith steps learned in charismatic land , for walkies outside the meeting room door . Fourth quartiles or eagle faces or curators of the eagle flight of spirit .....typically in music or winging it in prophecy .....then learn to live all of life in a quest for truth . So quicker than is normal for the other quartiles , they are made to BEGIN THEIR WALK IN HARD LINING TRUTH . Thank goodness all four quartiles don't do this simultaneously ....we'd fall apart as communities , unless we were all led simultaneously into the wilderness or " lockdown " , with manna and quail raining down . Living in the flesh .....and thankfully all of us do some things reflexively from our inner heart or good conscience as Paul writes ....or as complete outsiders like the Good Samaritan ..... But actual mechanical living from flesh pulls of sin , or purely outer compulsions of socially driven acts ....all of this is inert .

 It doesn't GO ANYWHERE . Living by faith clicks us into the God realm . This is where SUPPLY EXISTS . The second mile is where Kingdom is . It's using the faith we had to step out and " let God " in meetings , then becomes our faith ready to flex like new muscle in the whole of life . All Kingdom or Reign of Jesus stuff is NOT LIKE THAT STERILE MULE ....It's dynamic . It goes somewhere .

..... But actual mechanical living from flesh pulls of sin , or purely outer compulsions of socially driven acts ....all of this is inert .

The diligent shall rule . All Word leads to City on a Hill . To taking our Sovereignty where we plant the soles of our feet in Book of Joshua . It leads as Paul writes to becoming a local kingly authority as an ekklesia .

Corinthians was still a young church making the switcheroony when Paul wrote " Would that you were kings , then we ( apostles ) would reign with you ". The life we receive from Christ is a top down life , but while we are making the switch , it doesn't have that appearance AT ALL . Think King David being chased around a wilderness . We have to make the changeover from perching on the Rockefeller / Rothschild Tree ......Which is really a complete house of cards ,based on Trauma mind control that creates a dependence ..... Until we have risen internally to our situation and gained faith for all of life , and not just ' 1 Corinthians 12 through 14 meetings' . 

The life we receive from Christ is a top down life , but while we are making the switch , it doesn't have that appearance AT ALL

Are you grabbing this ?
Stage one ....obey that inner crisis for peace , for forgiveness , for inner emptiness ....come into your personal Passover that we all must do and still do .....come to Jesus hand over your life to One who has paid our price . Receive His actual new life into your Spirit . Get baptised in water and watch your own funeral in Jesus Christ .
Stage two Grab your own personal Pentecost . Get baptised in the Holy Spirit . Learn proper Christian meetings relying on the Holy Spirit together . 
Stage three Having some faith for gatherings , take that same faith for gatherings and like a child begin to learn real Kingdom ......acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make straight your paths .

 The basic idea of true ekklesia is to have a core eldership who know enough of all three levels to be able to " carry " the Ark locally in your town or city . This is in the Spirit . Psalm 84 says these men ( women ) are perceived or revealed before God in Zion . They have what it takes in the Spirit . The word for all ministers is the same ....servants . The word for bishops is overseers . In Gate of Miphkad terms in the OT, elders were inspectors of animals for worship . In the Spirit bishops are people who carry gatherings ,keeping it on track like Jesus , who only did what He saw the Father doing . Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Everything looks a shambles as thousands upon thousands are in the early stages of making the switcheroony , while the rest are still stuck in might is right pyramid structures under one learned rabbi , as is the way of the religious flesh order . It's not by might , nor by power , but by My Spirit says the Lord .
God never chose kings . 
God never chose Egypt and pyramids , 
He chose a people living from the heart . 
God builds in Tabernacles roof with holes structures .

Thursday, 28 November 2024

John Todd Collins - All 9 hours 24 minutes from 1978


There's a gap from the 6th hour until 7 hours 20 minutes, at which point the settings are slightly accelerated to get all the information in. I don't know where this was originally copied.

Alternative Source below.  The Gap is between 5hrs2s and 6hrs 20s

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Donald and Elon's System background


A playlist via Heather Blessington and  Shalom Girl ,a Christian who used to " serve " in Elon's family .


A stark testimony from David Shurter regarding  Donald Trump's background .

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Bible Houses - introduction : What are they ?


Bible House mark 1 sold in1981

Bible House mark 2 with current church buildings
( Both houses are in Emsworth , HampshireUK)

Watchman Nee felt to start what we in our churches called Bible Houses . If you are not already aware , Watchman Nee pretty well maps out everything apostolic for the first time  since Bible days . He's missing great power.   His black and white dog story is starting to get towards Norman Grubb , but still far too Taoist a storyline , even though he really lived the foundation of the modern Melchizedek Order rediscovery . His " normal " books are seminal . Release of the Spirit starts to redefine things that don't come across so clearly in Norman Grubb. Sit Walk Stand is the first modern three stage of growth book . Song of Songs comes from teachings of Madam Guyon, Jessie Penn Lewis and Margaret Barber . 

What Shall this Man do starts to break down what Norman would continue in Yes I Am . Ed Miller , Basilea Schlink and Jack Schisler all ministered the first love for Jesus message . Having penetrated the heavens and learned the praise and worship protocols , not just on an individual basis like the Merlin Carruthers books , but as the blueprint for real ekklesia in the order of Melchizedek , Ed's vision for Bible Houses was training people in revival Presence . Sometimes his Bible Houses were the epicentre of the local revivals . Like the vision for IHOP , Ed was all about the seeking God message , waiting upon God . Since the Hebrew for waiting is " active entwining " , or like psalm 84, exchanging strength . Blessed are the men whose strength is in Thee . Bible Houses were the churches first real steps in modern times for the work of the Holy Spirit to " overshadow " people to bring forth the Manchild . This Revelation 12 description is really the Spirit perception of what Jesus was doing . It's what the holy place is . If it was a partical accelerator , it's the splatting engine .....it's the revving room that re engineers what we are in the natural ..... The Bible calls us " you worm Jacob ......you shall be a threshing sledge ". We don't come out of Bible Houses manslaughtering all local villages ....we come out , as 1 John 1 says , with a testimony of Jesus . We have touched tasted , handled this personal Word of Christ that has been spoken to us in many different forms . We have believed upon it until some measure is active in our Word we share . R Edward Miller was AOG , so we trained in praying for healing , facing difficult situations , all the while that our Jacob ....the us that nobody wants to face , starts emerging . And now after Norman Grubb, we should be even more specific than we were in the light of Ed Miller and Jorge Pradas.( Montse Pradas , Nuria Pradas )  

Until our generation there has never been a generation so lasar focussed on what Genesis 3 is and how it operates . Without that Spirit definition we will never get our meetings into the rest of the City. Book of Ezra has to be rolled out into Book of Nehemiah . The carnal world works with only a trowel . We work with a sword and a trowel . Learning to do this takes longer than the world system who are all compartmentalised , all perched on the grand pyramid and all building Lucifer's kingdom . Our sword is unearthing and severing the Satan - I from the operation . Non born again church is the world . It's what occult people call the " good side of the system ", usually with sacrifices being conducted underneath , or after hours or in close passageways near the church building . Born again and charismatic churches don't fully get Romans 6 and 7, and Genesis 3. We are training in Holy Spirit protocols and the gifts of the Spirit ....but if we don't occupy our houses , and that's a Manchild term or a Galatians 2.20 term or a wise virgin with loads of oil term ..... Then we have seen repeatedly what happens with charismatics in history . They get sucked off towards esoterics . Solomon got drawn off to Egypt and magic , and freemasons to this day aspire to his rituals for " gaining help from powers " , read ....being used as an avatar by Satan to move his purposes forward while he tosses a few trinkets your way ......which often includes the rape of innocent lives . 

Until our generation there has never been a generation so lasar focussed on what Genesis 3 is and how it operates .

 All of us have to take our mind to the Cross . The Bible warns us that the message begins in our mouth as sweet like honey , but in the end it is exceedingly bitter .....like a woman in travail . This is when congregations turn back . This is when people become bitter . This is why Jesus says " Abide in My Word because if you do then you are truly My disciples ......." These furnaces burn something ....and when there's nothing left to burn .....things start turning around . If people have some experience of this in Bible Houses or maybe in the future , like Jesus and the disciples , actually as ministry teams .....they will be better practiced at sticking out the real painful bits .

 Two things have to happen .

One . The Bible never says one leader has to take on a whole church's problems . There's no such thing as a modern concept of a pastor in the Bible . It's gross hubris that a man or woman thinks they have the necessary Word to bring through a room full of people in God . God Himself only had 12 . All of us need a whole plethora of ministries, gifts and direct encounter , as well as our whole life training . ( Just to recap 1 Corinthians 12 is gifts , ministries , operations / direct encounters. Paul writes 3 lists of around 14 different ministries ). 

So the first thing is we need many third level elders so we don't have this stupid 70% USA burnout of failed Marvel comic superheroes .

Point two is we pray the Father so He dynamites out workers . So there's a Jerusalem Gate process to get ministry to the third level in 1 John 2 or in power and authority terms to Gate 11, the double portion of Gate 6. Gate 11 is the double portion gate of Ephraim and Gate 6 is the Fountain Gate of baptism in the Spirit . We know Gate 11 exists because we see that mantle on the great ones we write about . John G Lake , Smith Wigglesworth , George Jeffries , Reinhard Bonnke. If not in power gifts , in the train of influence we see Ern Baxter , George H Warnock , Watchman Nee , Hudson Taylor , George Mueller . There's a grain offering . There's an oil offering . There's an acacia box mover and shaker and there's Khavod might and power . Jesus spent 30 years on the acacia box ....or muddy field with the treasure in and 42 months in the baptism of the Spirit and Khavod Presence when He ministered . In some shape or form God directs Bible Houses . Or Bob Gordon's idea of evangelism training on the hoof , see my recent blog post in comments . Bible Houses , like Jesus creating a core , form the core of the future ekklesia in one locality . Monasteries were very ' first level ' . They weren't up to getting people out again . Bible Houses were second level and still too reliant upon meetings . What Jesus was training was thirdlevel and only because He as a man , leaving His glory aside , had trained for 30 years acknowledging God in all His ways and never succumbed to the Genesis 3 fantasy of a self empowered middle man.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Youtube, Google , Facebook and SHADOWBANNING

 Firstly, Gratitude

Have you any idea how good it is for fourthquartiles ( St John type of male and female personalities)to be able to have  a platform, any platform to speak their inner truths?   Martin Luther had to fix some theses on a church door. Until 1990 I kind of felt I might have arrived on the wrong  planet. 

What happened around 1990 ? The 1960s findings of  MIT Brain Research went public on the differences between right and leftbrain function. This gave the fourth quartiles articulation for why the creative, visionary, spiritually sensitive quartile operates so differently to the other more material based, outer sense inwards data processing quartiles.  These people have always painted their vision , articulated it in plays, philosophised in print, directed films, been futurists like Alvin Toffler in Future Shock, but for the last 200 years we have been ridiculously sidelined very deliberately because we are the very antithesis of pyramid culture.
We don't operate in a control spirit. Pyramid business and pyramid politics is extremely unnatural.
So to have a blog that has reached 3.5 million page impressions ,whatever that means is extraordinary.

This post concerns nuts and bolts. A medical doctor and writer on the 9th episode of the TTAC (the truth about cancer organisation  under Ty and Charlene Bollinger) docuseries Propaganda Exposed was explaining how his posts were reaching 17million views and the particular platform used their algorithms to cut his audience to 250,000.
Many say their  channels have been taken down  if their numbers become too influential, and their message runs counter to the current dictated agenda of the oligarchy.

If you haven't realised until now the goal of this blog is three things, two in Ephesians 4, and one prophetic.
Ephesians 4 says the goal of all ministry is to perfect and mature saints
To equip them for ministry, which is hugely about reaquainting saints in the supernatural after 250 years of secular materialism based on only five natural senses. I speak of my own experiences and promote as many ministries which practice , train and impart supernatural giftings, which is why when Jesus ascended, He gave gifts unto men. They are free.They are gifted by the Lord. And they are given in the context of the extension of the reign of God into the Earth.
The prophetic aim of this blog is to both unseal the mystery of Christ in us as us, which is the third stage of growth in 1 John 2, but ofcourse as this happens the Word divides between Light and Darkness. So we expose the works of darkness as we are told to , but the trick is to do that without becoming overly heavy and overwhelmed, as obviously happened when Joshua and Caleb revealed that the  very Land of Promise, Canaan, was over run by giants.

Two considerations

Watchman Nee only ministered to those he was able to minister to in an increasingly closed China, then he was used in international Christian conferences. However Christians had kept very good notes of Watchman Nee's early sermons and those , 30 years later, were the material for the books we have in the West. 

The power of the truth  coming from these teachings means that he has affected Christians all over the world without major hype and advertising, but like it was for me hungry to learn more after a denominational church background, now born again and baptised in the Spirit, I HEARD ABOUT HIM BY RECOMMENDATION. And this warm direct communication , like bees randomly rubbing against stamen , seems to be the design of so much of how we grow as humans, inside or outside of Christian structure. 

The second consideration is trying to be effective in our use of time .  Look at the artificiality of these staistics and tell me they are not being managed by algorithms.  It's very similar to looking at  a recording that is being artificially limited in volume to create  a uniform production level throughout a track.  There's very clearly only two or three settings for the daily access to my blog .
A  default daily setting of 200 -300 page impressions
Peaks of 4000- 6000
Absolute occasional peak settings of 12,000
This is unacceptable unless there is some bandwidth/ commercial reason for this , sharing blog usage across the planet in a viably financial manner.
In the case of TTAC, Big Pharma will crash overnight if people realise there are totally viable cheap ways to cure cancer.  In the case of the thirdlevel message, then end result spells the end for the  devil's entire operation which although it now involves control at all levels of society and thinking , is still at root a spiritual house of cards founded upon a Genesis 3 LIE.

Overall figures, and current month's figures

How do these page stats correspond?
Default capped page statistics
Indication of 3 dally possible settings
More confirmation of  3 computer rigged settings