Thursday 29 August 2024

Corinthian Elders by Jack Fortenberry - Prologue and Chapter 1



Prologue ............................................................. page 5

A Painted Picture .............................................. page 8

Leading or Misleading ..................................... page 11

To Preach or Not to Preach .............................. page 18

Teaching One Another ..................................... page 25

Ecclesiastical Office ........................................... page 32

Consensus Governance .................................... page 39

Adding to God’s Word ..................................... page 46

The Money .......................................................... page 53

A Warning .......................................................... page 59

Complete in Christ ............................................ page 65

Should We Follow Paul’s Model ..................... page 71

Appendixes ........................................................ page 76

Recommended Sites .......................................... page 86

Author Bio .......................................................... page 87


Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible ®, copyright ©

1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman

Foundation used by permission.

When Greek words in this essay are defined, definitions come either from

New Analytical Greek Lexicon by Wesley J. Pershbacker copyright © 1990

from Hendrickson Publishers or New American Standard Exhaustive

Concordance copyright © 1981 from Holman Publishing.

Greek texts were taken either from Interlinear NIV Parallel New

Testament by Alfred Marshall copyright © 1976 from Zondervan

Publishing House or Greek to English Interlinear New King James

Version New Testament by George Ricker Berry copyright © 1981 Baker

Books from World Bible Publishers, Inc. There were no variances of

Greek texts in the above mentioned references pertaining to any of the

Greek words discussed in the following pages.

Underscores added to Scripture for emphasis were not part of the original

Scripture text.

Bridgepointe Publishing Company

1929 Spillway Road, Suite B

Brandon, MS 39047

Published 2008

Revised 2011

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009901013

ISBN 978-0-615-26282-6

ISBN 0-615-26282-1

Jack Fortenberry left his book as a free PDF for the Body of Christ, but it's getting quite hard to find.
So I feel to put up the whole book to remind everybody what the Bible actually says about ministry rather than what is practiced by ecclesiastical ministries , Pastor synagogues / evangelical churches, or charismatic pastor synagogues with worship bands.
Because it used to be easier to download I only put up Chapter one  before as a taster.
Here is the prologue and then a link to chapter one.


The inhabits of earth said, let us make for ourselves a

name, Genesis 11:4, as they purposed and built the

Babylonian tower. But Jesus says, I am the vine, you are

the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears

much fruit.

The purpose of this essay is to encourage a biblical

examination of the role of Christian preacher and

teacher in order that we may enjoy the one-on-one

relationship with our Savior that He designed.

The absence of a New Testament model for the present

role of preachers or leaders has not slowed the

prevalence of the current model of one or two elders

leading a congregation of followers since the time of

Constantine. But Scripture warns us of being

defrauded of our prize by following leaders in the

church. Not just bad leaders but leaders.

By eliminating our use of a favorite teacher and turning

to New Testament commands in order to grow in the

knowledge of our Father, we will have an unobstructed

view of Christ. By our progress in understanding and

trusting the person and character of Jesus Christ, God

will grow us into conformity with His joy, holiness and

loving kindness.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the

glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image

Page 5

from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. II

Corinthians 3:18

Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything

pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge

of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. II

Peter 1:3

Sometimes in zeal for sanctification and to find favor

with God my attention has been on teachings and

regimens of prayer or bible readings and even church

duties. But II Corinthians 3:18 and II Peter 1:3 tell us

that our transformation is being accomplished through

the revelation of the character of Christ. The character

of our Lord is revealed by the truths of Scripture and

also in the application of our knowing and trusting

Him. This is where I hope to stay.

I believe the result of this one-on-one relationship of

trusting and loving Jesus will then be evident in our joy

and fellowship with God’s children. The one who loves

his brother abides in the Light and there is no cause for

stumbling in him. I John 2:10.

A Painted Picture - LINK

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