Tuesday 13 August 2024

Release of fresh Videos

 For nearly 8 years I have been writing at all times of the day on Facebook, including telling the truth from the word go about Covid. Twice I think I was banned for 30 days for simply relaying accurate information which Face book wanted burying.  Lo and behold Google and Twitter are exactly the same.
They call everything that does not advance their immediate agenda of world takeover for Lucifer, as we saw in the opening and closing Olympic ceremonies, as false information, in other words they are behaving in exactly the same way as Pravda newspaper in USSR.

Not everybody is on Facebook and it worked for me because I could write decent lengths of material as I felt nudged by God to share.
Kathie Walters writes in a similar way. You can see that may of us took to blogging originally because it provided a space to speak in an overt Christian way , whereas most other platforms in society are already sewn up.

I began this blog on the day of the Third Portal. My actual first post was a day or so later, but it takes time learning your way around a new platform, however it was begun on precisely that date, the Hebrew numeric 8, which is doorway or new beginning. But the thirdlevel is what Jesus was teaching from the outset.
Jesus wasn't just teaching Passover or how we get right with God and are born again . This is the Holy Spirit reworking of what had to be an outer form before Christ came.

Jesus wasnt teaching signs and wonders and the realm He had just come into which was His personal Pentecost , or the initiation for us all to function as priests of the poweres of the age to come.

Jesus began His first sentence with the Third level message. The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
The Tabernacles massage of how we can get the Kingdom tabernacling here.
John said Jesus came and tabernacled amongst us.

We have all had those incredible experiences when everything appears to come together, be it as non Christians or  as born again Christians or Spirit filled Christians.
I fully "get " how incredible  the Upper Room Passover meal was, even though the exact opposite seemed to happen just hours later.

You can understand Catholics wanting to construct an entire denomination around Communion which they call Mass, although the huge paraphernalia surrounding everything they do in Mass, or be it the whole of their infrastructures is nowhere to be found in the New Testament, from babies being dabbed with water, right through to a world tiered infrastructure of priests right up to a Pope.

Nevertheless, thats what we are looking for , spontaneous shared life in Jesus Christ . And we really did experience enough of this in the Jesus Move before all the pastor and apostle pyramids got built.

Therefore I want to put up a series of  teaching videos that were clogging up my mobile. Now I have always trusted that Facebook has a store of these, so I have wiped them from my phone. Several people have had their accounts closed, so this time I painstakingly saved all the videos recorded since I last clogged up my phone, and my intention is to load these and release them over the next few days so those who are not on Facebook can read them here and perhaps more easily share them.

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