Sunday, 24 November 2024

Bible Houses - introduction : What are they ?


Bible House mark 1 sold in1981

Bible House mark 2 with current church buildings
( Both houses are in Emsworth , HampshireUK)

Watchman Nee felt to start what we in our churches called Bible Houses . If you are not already aware , Watchman Nee pretty well maps out everything apostolic for the first time  since Bible days . He's missing great power.   His black and white dog story is starting to get towards Norman Grubb , but still far too Taoist a storyline , even though he really lived the foundation of the modern Melchizedek Order rediscovery . His " normal " books are seminal . Release of the Spirit starts to redefine things that don't come across so clearly in Norman Grubb. Sit Walk Stand is the first modern three stage of growth book . Song of Songs comes from teachings of Madam Guyon, Jessie Penn Lewis and Margaret Barber . 

What Shall this Man do starts to break down what Norman would continue in Yes I Am . Ed Miller , Basilea Schlink and Jack Schisler all ministered the first love for Jesus message . Having penetrated the heavens and learned the praise and worship protocols , not just on an individual basis like the Merlin Carruthers books , but as the blueprint for real ekklesia in the order of Melchizedek , Ed's vision for Bible Houses was training people in revival Presence . Sometimes his Bible Houses were the epicentre of the local revivals . Like the vision for IHOP , Ed was all about the seeking God message , waiting upon God . Since the Hebrew for waiting is " active entwining " , or like psalm 84, exchanging strength . Blessed are the men whose strength is in Thee . Bible Houses were the churches first real steps in modern times for the work of the Holy Spirit to " overshadow " people to bring forth the Manchild . This Revelation 12 description is really the Spirit perception of what Jesus was doing . It's what the holy place is . If it was a partical accelerator , it's the splatting engine's the revving room that re engineers what we are in the natural ..... The Bible calls us " you worm Jacob shall be a threshing sledge ". We don't come out of Bible Houses manslaughtering all local villages ....we come out , as 1 John 1 says , with a testimony of Jesus . We have touched tasted , handled this personal Word of Christ that has been spoken to us in many different forms . We have believed upon it until some measure is active in our Word we share . R Edward Miller was AOG , so we trained in praying for healing , facing difficult situations , all the while that our Jacob ....the us that nobody wants to face , starts emerging . And now after Norman Grubb, we should be even more specific than we were in the light of Ed Miller and Jorge Pradas.( Montse Pradas , Nuria Pradas )  

Until our generation there has never been a generation so lasar focussed on what Genesis 3 is and how it operates . Without that Spirit definition we will never get our meetings into the rest of the City. Book of Ezra has to be rolled out into Book of Nehemiah . The carnal world works with only a trowel . We work with a sword and a trowel . Learning to do this takes longer than the world system who are all compartmentalised , all perched on the grand pyramid and all building Lucifer's kingdom . Our sword is unearthing and severing the Satan - I from the operation . Non born again church is the world . It's what occult people call the " good side of the system ", usually with sacrifices being conducted underneath , or after hours or in close passageways near the church building . Born again and charismatic churches don't fully get Romans 6 and 7, and Genesis 3. We are training in Holy Spirit protocols and the gifts of the Spirit ....but if we don't occupy our houses , and that's a Manchild term or a Galatians 2.20 term or a wise virgin with loads of oil term ..... Then we have seen repeatedly what happens with charismatics in history . They get sucked off towards esoterics . Solomon got drawn off to Egypt and magic , and freemasons to this day aspire to his rituals for " gaining help from powers " , read ....being used as an avatar by Satan to move his purposes forward while he tosses a few trinkets your way ......which often includes the rape of innocent lives . 

Until our generation there has never been a generation so lasar focussed on what Genesis 3 is and how it operates .

 All of us have to take our mind to the Cross . The Bible warns us that the message begins in our mouth as sweet like honey , but in the end it is exceedingly bitter a woman in travail . This is when congregations turn back . This is when people become bitter . This is why Jesus says " Abide in My Word because if you do then you are truly My disciples ......." These furnaces burn something ....and when there's nothing left to burn .....things start turning around . If people have some experience of this in Bible Houses or maybe in the future , like Jesus and the disciples , actually as ministry teams .....they will be better practiced at sticking out the real painful bits .

 Two things have to happen .

One . The Bible never says one leader has to take on a whole church's problems . There's no such thing as a modern concept of a pastor in the Bible . It's gross hubris that a man or woman thinks they have the necessary Word to bring through a room full of people in God . God Himself only had 12 . All of us need a whole plethora of ministries, gifts and direct encounter , as well as our whole life training . ( Just to recap 1 Corinthians 12 is gifts , ministries , operations / direct encounters. Paul writes 3 lists of around 14 different ministries ). 

So the first thing is we need many third level elders so we don't have this stupid 70% USA burnout of failed Marvel comic superheroes .

Point two is we pray the Father so He dynamites out workers . So there's a Jerusalem Gate process to get ministry to the third level in 1 John 2 or in power and authority terms to Gate 11, the double portion of Gate 6. Gate 11 is the double portion gate of Ephraim and Gate 6 is the Fountain Gate of baptism in the Spirit . We know Gate 11 exists because we see that mantle on the great ones we write about . John G Lake , Smith Wigglesworth , George Jeffries , Reinhard Bonnke. If not in power gifts , in the train of influence we see Ern Baxter , George H Warnock , Watchman Nee , Hudson Taylor , George Mueller . There's a grain offering . There's an oil offering . There's an acacia box mover and shaker and there's Khavod might and power . Jesus spent 30 years on the acacia box ....or muddy field with the treasure in and 42 months in the baptism of the Spirit and Khavod Presence when He ministered . In some shape or form God directs Bible Houses . Or Bob Gordon's idea of evangelism training on the hoof , see my recent blog post in comments . Bible Houses , like Jesus creating a core , form the core of the future ekklesia in one locality . Monasteries were very ' first level ' . They weren't up to getting people out again . Bible Houses were second level and still too reliant upon meetings . What Jesus was training was thirdlevel and only because He as a man , leaving His glory aside , had trained for 30 years acknowledging God in all His ways and never succumbed to the Genesis 3 fantasy of a self empowered middle man.

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