Friday, 15 November 2024

The end Game - Cities on a Hill


What Christ's Word is the Final mature version . In the natural we are not training kids to pass exams , we are training them to be adults . Jesus spoke out His End Word . You are a Light on a Hill . You are a City on a Hill . The preparatory stages aren't that at all . The gospels are the preparatory stages for the disciples who would become City on a Hill in Acts . Jesus had to confront the Strong Man over the Israel territory He was given , in the wilderness . Three very similar areas of authority as the three inner prayers of the Lord's Prayer . Jesus had regional authority to plunder goods , but like Elijah with Elisha , one of His Mission Impossible assignments was to raise 12 men into this authority . Remember , Elisha never had to have the role of manifesting Kingdom . The disciples did . Even Jacob's sons did in that early ' outer courts format ' of the Old Covenant. The good thing about having 12 is that we aren't expected to regionally hold back Darkness alone . The bad thing about having 12 is like Job's friends The first behaviours of Jacobs sons 1 Corinthians 12 : 14 -26 Even if we are brought up in families , without the Spirit of God opening our eyes , we only see one another after the flesh, like trees walking . We DON'T read each other's frequencies very well . So it's still quite a tall order to collectively hold back Darkness in a region as City on a Hill. What can the charismatic / Pentecostal realm do ? It has some attributes of the Spirit . It behaves King Saulishly. It's a cheap work round solution using might and power and pyramids and tithe coercion . It's not like King David or any king is a final solution . God used King David to give a glimpse of the only real King , King Jesus as psalm 2 describes . King David used the cheapjack Philistine automated system of an oxcart to carry in Gods Presence in the Ark . We can " stage revivals " in the Spirit . This requires concerted prayer cycles and quite often Divine spontaneous revival has to be outside all normal structures . Like Hebrews 13.13 we have to go outside the camp . Quite often we have used marquees on common ground . We can go places uniquely for God . We go in the Name of Jesus peculiarly for Him as Melchizedek Priests .God blesses all who go in His Name. In that respect God often blesses us with extraordinary signs and wonders . We are His ambassadors . We can be a bit Blues Brothers . " We are on a mission from God " . And we are . Quite often Jesus sends us to other countries where we are completely out of our depth . The language . The culture . The different strongholds . In our weakness God comes through in strength . Or God sends us as youth . It's so so so precious to God when young people travel in His Name . First love for Jesus , packed out with young hormones of life and freshness is so so so precious . We can " stage " conferences in the Spirit . Staging is used here not in the sense of fakery's marking out territories or days and dates , to bind the activity of the enemy and create open heaven for the Word and miracles and unity and glimpses of what will become permanent . Jesus followed the Holy Spirit and within the extreme limitations of the disciples not able to be born again and baptised in the Spirit yet , still trained them in what He was doing so they would be ready. There was no question yet of territorial permanence so Jesus moved by the Spirit from place to place . Like Melchizedek particles ....always more Kingdom with two .....we can hit cities , towns , churches with invasions of God as the Spirit leads . This is young man Word of faith Christianity . It's what gives us the faith for the BIG ONE . Like Jacob . The person we can't escape .The person we are with all the time . ME. The confrontation with the whole bogus Genesis 3 platform . We are extremely discouraged about us. But God isn't . He means us . He means our journey . It's the ONLY WAY He gets to form Jesus in our SOUL . He's done our spirit. We look quite cool in meetings . Jesus isn't a pretend make believe thing. There's never been a Jesus Chris Welch ever . There's never been a Jesus Lisa Nicole Brooks-Waters ever There's never been a Jesus Brian Coatney ever There's never been a Tim S Elwell Jesus ever There's never been a Jesus Rosalie Vogel ever There's never been a Doug Fortune Jesus ever And so on through my friend's list It's massive . It's this mysterious spirit person being formed not just in our spirit but the whole of the rest of us . It has substance and weight . It's Divine . It's a supernatural incarnation . If we thought Jesus invading here in His own body made in the likeness of sinful flesh was weird , how about Him invading sinful flesh by the over shadowing of Word and Spirit . We aren't returning to Eden . Eden had two mortal souls in . We are now able to eat of the Tree of Life and live forever . We are eating the Bread of heaven . And it's this sort of permanence that can take up residence in cities all over the earth as Cities on a Hill . And it's already been done for us as an early prototype to give us a clue in Acts . We aren't building synagogues, teaching houses . The Body is built by that which each joint supplies when it is working properly .

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